Te Reo
Wiki tolu/wha
Wiki tolu/wha
WALT greet and farewell people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements with simple phrases.
Sc: I can understand greetings and farewells te reo Māori, but respond in English.
I can respond appropriately in te reo Māori.
I can greet and farewell my classmates (interacting in te reo Māori.
Sing and read along to the music.
Practise the the general greetings:
Tēnā koe - to one person
Tēnā kōrua - 2 people
tēnā kotou - 3 up to more people
Practise the morning greetings
Sing along then practise it with their buddy.
Use it during roll call.
Repeat the same activity with the farewells.
Self assessment to check whether they understand what they have learnt.