Design Thinking

Design thinking is an iterative process that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. Using a structured framework, students identify challenges, gather information, generate potential solutions, refine ideas, and test solutions.

A design thinking approach focuses on developing students’ creative confidence. Design thinking connects real world problem-solving with classroom environments. Teachers and students engage in hands-on design challenges that focus on:

  • developing empathy
  • promoting action
  • encouraging ideation
  • developing metacognitive awareness
  • fostering active problem solving.

The Design Thinking process in theory

Design Thinking in real life

You will normally see the Design Thinking process expressed as a linear or circular cycle. This is similar to the inquiry models you may be familiar with.

But in real life, all these systems are not linear. Learners can move freely back and forth along the continuum until they reach the desired end product. This reinforces the idea of ITERATING, repeating and changing ideas until they fit the users needs.

Design Thinking & Technology
Design Thinking and UDL Planning Tool - examples

Design Thinking Resources