Our Vision

Goal 1: Looking local - communicating locally and globally

Goal 2: Integrating STEAM into our curriculums, schools and communities using authentic and local contexts

  • STEM / STEAM approaches emphasise Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics programmes as these drive learning pathways that prepare students for a rapidly changing future.
  • PROJECT BASED LEARNING uses a constructivist approach to learning - children investigate, problem-solve and respond to authentic challenges.
  • The new DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CURRICULUM is compulsory from 2020.
  • COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION is required locally and globally.
  • Curriculum content and approaches must reflect SCHOOLS’ IDENTITIES.

Important to strengthen students’ willingness and ability to ‘Think, Relate to Others, Use Language, Symbols and Texts, Manage Self, Participate and Contribute’ as these are KEY COMPETENCIES that form the basis of our New Zealand Curriculum.