St. Fintan's N.S. Student Council
The Students’ Council represents the voice of the student body and is one of the elements of partnership within the school between staff, parents, students and the board of management. It is an ideal forum for students to be proactive in influencing the development of the school and an excellent opportunity for them to nurture skills in negotiation and consultation.
Role of Student Council
The role of the Student Council is to:
provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life
discuss issues relevant to our school and encourage and promote initiatives from the pupils
offer an opportunity for all pupils to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play a very significant role in improving our school
encourage pupils, and thereby their parents, to organise events central to the life of the school.
The Election Process
Children from 1st - 6th class, nominate themselves for the student council.
The children running for the student council campaign for votes with posters around the school. They give a speech before election day, in front of their class outlining why they feel they would be a good asset to the student council.
Voting takes place within classes and are counted by two staff members.
One child from 1st class, one child from Ms. Shannon's class and two children from all other class groupings are elected as representatives and take a seat on the Council for the duration of that academic year.
In addition to these representatives, two teacher nominees are elected by the Principal and Vice Principal to take a seat on the student council.
The elected pupils are required to be active participants in the Council, to attend meetings regularly, participate in activities and be a role model for other students.
Prior to meetings, the Student Council representatives collect ideas and suggestions from all classes, for the agenda.
These items are then discussed, brought to Staff Meetings and sometimes to the Parents’ Association Meetings, for further deliberation.
As well as bringing matters to the Council for discussion, the members are required to report the outcome of meetings to the other classes.
Meetings are once a month at lunchtime. (Ms. Walsh sits in on these meetings. The Principal may occasionally sit in on the meetings also.)
At the start of each year, following discussion and in consultation with the principal, a body of work is agreed by the membership.
Other Roles
The Council has an important role to play in the organisation of:
· Open Days
· Fundraising Days (no uniform day, mad hair day, odd socks day etc…)
· Special occasions i.e. flag raising
· Special presentations.
Example of discussion areas
Topics that come under discussion at Student Council meetings may include the following:
· school rules
· new resources
· behaviour and discipline
· health and safety
· homework
· friendship and anti-bullying
· student wellbeing
· lunchtime games and activities
· school uniform
· fundraising
· making yard a happier place
· students’ yearbook
· 6th class hoodies
· buddy system with younger children
· book fair
· tidy classroom police
· seachtain na gaeilge initiatives
Student Council members 2024-2025:
Ms. Shannon's Class: Farah Delaney.
1st class: Layla Murphy
2nd/3rd class: David Rzepecki and Joey Lawlor Ryan.
3rd/ 4th class: Ava Lawlor Ryan and Harry Kehoe.
5th class: Freyja Weber Ní Chianáin and Mary Connors.
6th class: Nicholas Winters, Niamh O Connor, Neveah Murphy Carr and Mary Connors.