FLEX Program

Background to FLEX

In 2021, the College implemented an exciting initiative for Year 12 - FLEX that responded to the feedback from Year 12 students, parents and staff regarding their learnings from COVID remote learning during 2020. During this time, students enjoyed a flexible learning timetable, which allowed for growth in independence, a further understanding of their preferred learning style, and an enhanced learning relationship with their teacher. FLEX opportunities will be offered to Year 12 students.

Year 12 students need to report to the workshop room.

Year 12 FLEX during Retreat Week

On these days, workshops will be offered either face-to-face or online to allow student choice in their preferred mode of learning or focus on areas of skill development. 

On these days students will have access to a range of skills-based workshops developed by teachers. 

You should engage with the workshops that will benefit your skill development. 

All students will have access to the resources via the Google Classrooms for on-site workshops.

Please check the schedule each day for on-site workshop for changes.

Sign In Procedures for On-Site Workshops or Study in Jarnosse

Students must sign in through the General Administration Office and sign out when leaving the College. Students are to move directly to their workshop location or to Jarnosse, where you are required to sign in. 

Students are not permitted to sit on Cerdon Plaza or elsewhere to wait.

Jarnosse will be available for students on these days. Please sign in and sign out with the Jarnosse staff.

Year 12 FLEX - Retreat Week