
Film Photography

Film Photography: (Please click the thumbnail to see more)

Students have learned the process of using a 35mm film manual camera. Using a manual film camera forces students to learn basics about photography and cameras. Manual film cameras set a very strong foundation within the photography path. Not only will students understand the demand of photography, but they will also experience trial and error through the process that often leads to having more pride in their work. Lastly, this approach to photography teaches students to become familiar with the principles of exposure, shutter speed, and aperture.


Photograms: (Please click the thumbnail to see more)

Students have learned the process of using a darkroom and the printing process that it accompanies. Students quickly learn a lot about lighting and value through working with the darkroom enlargers. In addition, students learn about composition and placement of objects.

Digital Photography

Digital Photography: (Please click the thumbnail to see more)

Once students have learned the process of using a 35mm film manual camera, students transition into Digital photography with a much greater understanding of the potential with a digital camera and it's features that are often overlooked when shooting in the automatic setting.