Concerns About Resources

Statement of Concern about Resources

Southwestern Consolidated Schools

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________

Connection to SW: _____________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: _______________

Phone: _______________________________________________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________________________________

School of resource: SWE ____________ SWHS ___________

Title of resource in question: ______________________________________________________

Format (book/magazine/newspaper/AV resource/digital resource/library program/other):


Author/Publisher/Artist: __________________________________________________________

What objections do you have with this item? Be as specific as possible.




Other comments on the item’s content (both positive and negative):




Did you read/view the entire item? __________ Yes _________

No If no, on what parts did you base your opinion?_____________________________________


What audience do you believe this item was intended for? _______________________________


What do you want the library to do with this item?



If this item were to be removed from the collection, do you have a suggestion for an item of

equal or better quality to replace it?



Additional comments:




Please understand that the Southwestern Consolidated Media Centers are governed by the rights

inherent in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, the American Library

Association’s Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read Statement developed jointly by the

American Library Association and the Association of American Publishers