
el mundo de Espanol!

The world of Spanish is explored by focusing on the 21 Spanish-speaking countries in the world over the first ten weeks of the school year. Each grade level will be introduced to seven different countries in addition to learning to locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans! They will learn about Spanish and Native American dancing, art, music stories, foods, holidays and traditions, customs and, of course, basic phrases in the Spanish language in an exciting hands-on approach that will allow them to appreciate another culture and compare and contrast it to their own!

4th Grade recreated La Cueva de Los Manos (The Cave of Hands) from Argentina

Students are encouraged to share customs and traditions celebrated in their own cultures!

4th Grade students learned how to weave after hearing a story about Guatemala, while 3rd Graders other are practicing learning words for animals in Spanish .

Encourage your student to practice outside of the classroom with the Duolingo app. It is free to download and play from phones, tablets, or even their chromebook. Click on the Duolingo logo to reach their website!