March 2022 Stellar Comets

Conor Prichard

We are so excited for Conor to be one of our Stellar Comets this month! Conor is a shining example of hard work and how to be kind to others. Conor has worked hard this school year and has become an excellent reader and writer. He is such great friend to everyone he comes in contact with. He is always there to lend a helping hand or kind words for those in need. We call him "the love bug" of our class! We are so proud of Conor and all that he has accomplished so far in Kindergarten!

Elise Williams

We are so proud to have Elise as one of our Stellar Comets! Elise has been an excellent example to her classmates this year. She has continued to excel in all academic areas and really enjoys reading to her friends in class. Elise is always following directions and staying on task. Whenever you look at her she is working hard and helping others who may be struggling around her. She is kind and always has a smile to share with others. She is also very talented and we love when she shares her cheers or dances with the class! Congratulations Elise! You are so deserving of being the March Stellar Comet!

Max Campbell

Max has been a Stellar Comet since the first day of school and continues to be every single day! Max always works hard and loves being at school. He is kind and caring and a great friend to everyone!

Oliver Cahill

Oliver is sweet and gentle and always a great friend to everyone. He enjoys being at school and loves learning about animals and their habitats. Ask him about any animal and he can tell you all you need to know!! Congratulations Oliver!