
AVID Essentials


Community service

Sweetwater District requires a minimum of 30 hours of non-paid community service in order to graduate. 

Please talk to your Social Science Teacher about approved community service activities.


community Service form.pdf

California scholarship federation (csf)

California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is a nationally recognized honor society. Starting in 10th grade, if you are a member of CSF for at least four semesters, including one semester during your senior year, you will graduate as a life member of CSF. CSF life members receive special recognition at the graduation ceremony by graduating in white robes. Please see Ms. Garcia (324) or Ms. Johnson (1308) for more information.

2017-18 Sweetwater High School CSF Application.pdf

compact for success

In 2000, San Diego State University partnered with the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) to create a program--called Compact for Success--that guarantees admission to first-time freshmen students who meet all the requirements. 

Compact Requirements

These requirements must be completed by the time of your application review.