AVID Alumni

alejandra estrada

5 years in AVID

Humboldt State University

"AVID has not only taught me how to work within a group setting, but also independently. AVID taught me how to navigate through college (meeting professors, note taking, time management and many more skills) before I even step foot on my campus. Without the AVID program, college would have been a second thought and not a first. I am appreciative of the fact that SUHI allowed me to be part of a program that encourages student to further their education."

melanie perez

2 Years in AVID

University of California, San Diego

"Attending a university requires foundation skills that keep you at pace with the challenges of college. Those skills vary from being aware of social networking, to being able to manage your time and forming good study habits. AVID makes sure you’re aware of this early on so that once you step foot on campus you don’t worry about acquiring these skills, only implementing them."

adriel ochoa

6 years in AVID

San Diego State University

"In AVID, one is surrounded by people who are trying to achieve the same goal, so when I went to SDSU I was able to identify who I should be making connections with in order to help me achieve my own goals. Time management is huge in college and AVID helped me learn how to manage my time early on; so much so that I hardly struggle managing my time now."