7th Grade

New Beginnings

This is your first year of middle school! If you were to look at your current academic record (transcript), you would see a clean sheet of paper. At this time in your life, you have endless possibilities. So, choose to study. Choose to DO YOUR BEST and aim to earn “A” and “B” grades. Choose to get involved in extracurricular activities such as a club or an athletic team. Choose to make Chula Vista Middle School and your community a better place because you are here! In return for your hard work, you will find that many doors will open for you.

Ultimately, the opportunities and options will increase because you made the right choices!

Visit Your Counselor

We welcome you to visit your school counselor, email, or call to set up a virtual meeting. We are here to support you with anything you need!


◦ Discuss your grades and how to improve

◦ Select the best classes to prepare for your future

◦ Academic support, study skills, and tutoring

◦ How to prepare for college


◦ Conflict or problem at home

◦ Conflict or problem at school


◦ Careers interest survey

◦ How to increase your earning power

Attend School

Tips for Success

  • Set short and long-term goals:

    • Short-term goal example: I will turn in all my homework this week

    • Long-term goal example: earn A’s and B’s in my classes by the end of the semester

  • Attend school every day and be on time for class daily

  • Be prepared: have your iPad charged. Have paper and pencil to take notes

  • Turn in all assignments/homework

  • Study for tests and quizzes

  • Attend tutoring as needed

  • Monitor your progress on Jupiter Grades & share with parents/guardians

  • Report Cards

    • Progress Reports: Every six weeks

    • Semester Grades (December and June)

  • If you have a question or need help, ASK!

Check your grades on Jupiter Grades.

Student Involvement

Student involvement in clubs, sports, school events, and community service is essential to students' success. Chula Vista Middle School has various student involvement opportunities. Participation in extracurricular activities will provide students with many skills for their future education and career choices. You may contact Ms. Bishop, Ms. Price, or your counselor.