GCSE Specification and Curriculum Overview

Exam Specification 

Drama is an exciting, wide-ranging subject at GCSE level. The content of the course in this subject encourages students to develop their interest in and enjoyment of drama and theatre, both through their development as performers and through experience as audience members. Students will in drama gain skills of creativity, self-confidence, concentration, self-discipline and communication. They will gain an understanding of a wide range of play texts and other styles of dramatic presentation. There is also the opportunity to study set design, lighting, sound, makeup and costume. 

This specification provides opportunities for progression to courses at Advanced level in drama and theatre studies and in related subjects. Equally, it provides a worthwhile experience for students wishing to pursue a career that involves communication and people orientated skills. Business employers, for instance, particularly like to see drama on a prospective employee’s CV, because it suggests a high level of presentational and interpersonal skills which they consider to be vital in today’s competitive working environment. 

Course content

Component 1: (Controlled Assessment: 40%) Devising Theatre 

Candidates will participate in a practical presentation that will be a group-devised drama. The stimulus is set by the examination board and has to be influenced by practitioner, genre and live performances seen. They may choose one of the following options: 

(i) acting; 

(ii) theatre design in lighting; 

(iii) theatre design in sound; 

(iv) theatre design in scenic production;

(v) theatre design in costume and make-up. 

The devised practical performance requires candidates to undertake devising and improvising /creating original pieces of drama, culminating in a final performance. When the work is completed, candidates will complete a written portfolio of supporting evidence and an evaluation of the final performance or design. 

Component 2: (Externally Assessed: 20%) Perform from a Text 

Whilst working on a performance from a text, it is expected that pupils will gain a deeper understanding of the skills required to interpret published texts through performance, evaluation and analysis, including the social, cultural and historical contexts. Candidates are expected to perform, either through acting or demonstrating a theatre design skill, in a scripted performance of two extracts from a published text of their choice. 

Component 3: (External Assessment: 40%) Written Examination 

Candidates will sit a 1½ hour examination which will require them to answer questions on one set text as an actor, designer and director and to answer a question on a live theatre production seen during the course. In Section A, candidates will be asked to consider a specific scene from the set text and to answer specific questions on acting and technical design aspects. In Section B candidates will be asked to analyse and evaluate a given aspect of a live theatre production they have seen. This assessment will take place in the summer term and will be externally assessed by the exam board. 

Time, Equipment and Expenses

Theatre visits, arranged by the drama department, are an integral part of the course. Students will usually see at least one theatre visit each year, for which there is a cost of approximately £20 to £30, which includes travel to the theatre, the ticket and insurance. 

As there is a strong practical element to the course, students are expected to rehearse outside of lesson time, particularly in the run up to assessed pieces of work. 

Preparation, rehearsal and research form part of the assessment and students must be willing to commit to negotiated rehearsals with their group. Weekly tasks are also set which may include research, further reading, follow-up notes, scriptwriting and essays. 

For more information please speak to Mr Tekerian, Head of Drama, or your Drama teacher.