2024 preparatory work

Preparing for Borlase

It is important that all students are confident that they can make an effective, purposeful start to their A level courses in September 2023.  All departments have been asked to outline preparatory work that students should complete over the summer.

Preparatory work

Course Content

We follow OCR H446 Specification. There are 3 units in total. 2 hours and 30 minutes written exam for 40% of your A level for Unit 1 (Theory) and the same for Unit 2 (Programming). 

Unit 3 is an independent research coding project based on real world scenarios that worth 20% of your A level. 

You can download the link from OCR for more details.


For those students who did not do GCSE Computing and decide to take it in A level, they need to make sure that they understand as much theory as possible in the summer holiday by watching this YouTube Channel. Look out for A level OCR SLR01 to SLR26 in red thumbnails. 


As for the programming skill and development, they can learn the basic knowledge from these interactive websites in their own time.

To be able to take A level Computing, you must have knowledge of at least 2 different programming languages. If you have done some of it before, try to learn a new language. Recommended languages to learn are Python 3, VB.NET, C#, C++, Java, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP.

You will need to use one or more of these languages to create your programming project. So the more experience you have in coding, the easier will be for you.



