Extra Curricular


As with all the Sciences at Borlase, there is a wide range of opportunities for students to get involved in STEM clubs and Societies with a Computer Science focus.  Our current Year 12 run the CompSoc weekly on Wednesday break time.  All year groups are welcome to join in and listen to various interesting topics or new technologies that are currently happening in the industries. 

This student-led academic society sometime brings in external speakers to showcase their specialist knowledge as well as providing a platform for senior Borlase students to show work they have done, perhaps towards an Extended Project or part of their A level project.

For younger years, our senior students run a Key Stage 3 Science club that focuses on all the sciences, including Computing. We also have KS3 Lego and coding club. 

Every year there are a range of Computing-themed projects entered into the STEM fayre.  The pictures to the right give a flavor of some of the entries.

Trips and visits

The Computing department organised regular trips and visits in support of the curriculum.  Trips include an A level trip to a Computer Science in Action conference. We usually take only Year 8 girls to anything that run by NCCE to inspire and encourage girls to take Computing at GCSE. We plan to take KS4 to Bletchley park and National Computing Museum in the future.