Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum

Key stage 3 Art at Borlase aims to provide pupils with skills, knowledge and understanding in a range of both two and three-dimensional media and techniques. This is achieved through various investigations that follow the themes of: abstraction, people and stories, fauna and other worlds, flora, natural and made places, and still life.

In year 7 we begin the process of understanding through study in the key visual and tactile elements of: line, tone, texture, shape form and colour. These concepts are developed through a range of media which conclude in a substantial painting. Pupils then delve into the three-dimensional world with a main project creating a fauna-based card sculpture. During this project pupils are also involved in making additional creatures from a wide range of recycled materials. All students are also encouraged to expand their horizons through the research of artists, craftspeople and designers. Inspiration is allowed to be found in any time, place or culture and pupils are expected to respond to this new knowledge in the creation of their own practical work.

In year 8 we grow and further develop what has already been learned, and this includes: introduction of the printing process and ceramic sculpture, the advancement of drawing and designing skills, plus the expansion into an ever increasing and varied use of different media.

All of the interconnected activities come together to produce rounded artists who are well prepared to face the challenges of the next years and indeed the longer future.