GCSE Specification and Curriculum Overview

Exam Specification

From within the Art specification students may either choose to follow a general Art and Design course in which they can pick and mix from many categories of ‘ART, CRAFT and DESIGN’ or they may wish to follow a more specialised route within the discipline of Fine Art, such as: drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, architecture and/or digital art.

All students begin on a general course that gives them the ability to choose from any appropriate theme, subject, art media and process. Students may continue on this general course for the whole of the GCSE or naturally begin to narrow their focus into one of the specialisms etc. The key is to have a passion for the understanding of art and particularly the process, media and techniques of creating art!

Coursework (Portfolio)

During the GCSE students will create approximately 2 exciting projects that after various forms of development will result in wonderful final outcomes. The majority of the course is aimed at the promotion of student self-directed study in any relevant area of art, craft or design. In negotiation with the teacher, students will choose a topic. They will then carry out in-depth preliminary studies, investigate relevant historical/critical/contextual resources, develop ideas and bring their work to a successful conclusion in one or more finalised pieces. This will gain 60% of the final mark.

Examination (Externally Set Assignment)

This final project will test the ability of students to work independently in response to a chosen starting point. A range of questions are set by the Examination Board and, in negotiation with the teacher, students will choose one of these; carry out preliminary studies which will conclude with a 10-hour practical examination. This will gain 40% of the final mark.

Time, Equipment and Expenses

It is important to note that Art is a predominantly coursework based subject with a minimum of 1 hour of homework per week. There will be a visit, costing no more than £15, to an Art related location. Students will be expected to supply some of their art equipment which in the vast majority of cases is a total sum of less than £30.

For more information please speak to Mr Hall, Head of Art.

Helpful Resources

Examples of Work