School Closing Enrichment

During this period of school closing, I will be sending out some enrichment opportunities through email attachments. I will also, concurrently, post the same attachment to this page, below. Please know that there is no expectation that you either do or do not do the work. Your child will not be penalized for not completing the work. These are only meant to minimize any impact from missing the time we spend together in the classroom. Obviously, these can not replicate what we do together but they can serve as a support during this time that we are apart.

Most importantly, please know that I am available as much as is possible during this time period. Please also know that I believe in what you and I can accomplish working together for the betterment of your child!

Each day that I send out opportunities to this year's families for which I have their email, I will also create a collapsible text box that will have the same information as the attached email. I will list the date for the work and when you click on it, the box below it will open providing you the same information as to what I sent out.

If for some reason the hyperlinks do not automatically work in this format, you will need to copy them and paste them into your browser.

Student Survey

Please complete the student survey; the link is attached below.

Mark Hoyle Student Survey


June 18, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 18, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is technically a "half" day; but I know that it looks like you have a full day schedule. You do have the opportunity to practice all of your skills, just like we do in our classroom on a shortened day. Also, you have the time to do something special for the other half of your day. Please make sure that you enjoy it all!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Focus on all parts

Just because the time and the setting of the work is different, the focus is the same: make sure that you find some enjoyment in all that you do!

Happy Birthday Mia!!


* The focus: Remember, this week, I gave you resources that you can use over the summer if you wish. You do not have to do them, they are just going to be available if you find that you are looking for some to do until we come back to school in August.

I will provide some work that is geared at a typical first grade level and then I will provide some work that is a bit more challenging.

Start on some of the work now so that if you have a problem with it, I can help you!


* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:


Read Aloud

Today we have a mother-daughter author team, Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton, for our story The Very Fairy Princess: Graduation Girl!

All Literacy Work

* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:



Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

June 17, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 17, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is our official last "full" day of first grade for all of our fabulous first graders! I am proud of the hard work that you have been doing, so keep it going strong for today as well!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Alliteration

Do you remember what alliteration is (repetition of the initial sounds)? Can you find where I have used it in my morning message?

Our last (virtual) field trip for the school year is a Disney Field Trip

If you click on certain things in the picture it links to videos about different things. If you click on the music notes you will listen to a song, if you click on Belle it is a read-aloud, the characters is the stage show, the balloons are the parade, the fireworks link to fireworks and each ride name is linked to a ride video.


* The focus: Remember, this week, I gave you resources that you can use over the summer if you wish. You do not have to do them, they are just going to be available if you find that you are looking for some to do until we come back to school in August.

I will provide some work that is geared at a typical first grade level and then I will provide some work that is a bit more challenging.

Start on some of the work now so that if you have a problem with it, I can help you!


* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:


Read Aloud

We are getting close to this time of the year, Happy Graduation! by Margaret McNamara

All Literacy Work

* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:



Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site


* The focus for later: Practice:

June 16, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 16, 2020

Good Morning,

I know that yesterday was something new, and I also know that you all did a great job of taking on something new. Today we will continue on with this same format. You are very capable students and I know that you will continue to do well as we focus on this for the week!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Time

Units of time is sequential: yesterday, today, tomorrow (rest of the week).

Hi Everyone!

I made this virtual field trip with links from Google to the National Parks. It has the coolest things for you to do. You can swim through a coral reef, visit a volcano, and so much more. The link is below.

Mrs. Marcel


* The focus: Remember, this week, I gave you resources that you can use over the summer if you wish. You do not have to do them, they are just going to be available if you find that you are looking for some to do until we come back to school in August.

I will provide some work that is geared at a typical first grade level and then I will provide some work that is a bit more challenging.

Start on some of the work now so that if you have a problem with it, I can help you!


* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:


Read Aloud

This classic is an excellent book with an excellent message.

All Literacy Work

* The focus for now: Resources:

* The focus for later: Resources:


Social Studies

* The focus for now: Practice:


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

June 15, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 15, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! How are you? Today the month of June is officially half over. Remember that half means that something has been broken down into two equal groups.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Fraction parts

Look at the math date; if half of the month has been used, how many more days are there in June? How many total days are there in June. Now do the same thing for the month. If half of the year has been used, how many more months are there in 2020? How many total months are there in a year?


* The focus: We are going to start the transition from this school year to the summer and beyond!

Today, your Hoyle Community has prepared our virtual Goodbyes. When you are ready,

Also, this week, I am going to be providing you with resources that you can use over the summer if you wish. You do not have to do them, they are just going to be available if you find that you are looking for some to do until we come back to school in August.

I will provide some work that is geared at a typical first grade level and then I will provide some work that is a bit more challenging.


* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:


Read Aloud

Today's fairy tale offers a good reminder of many of our best qualities

All Literacy Work

* The focus for now: Resources:


* The focus for later: Resources:



* Computing: You have practiced getting the computer to do what you want it to do. Now is the time to take the same problem solving skills and apply them.



June 12, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 12, 2020

Good Morning

I am going to term today "Final Find Time" Friday!

You have had a lot to do over the last 175 days of first grade. You have been taught math, writing, reading, literacy, science, social studies, computers, art, music, health and physical education. You have made new friends. You have gone out on two fantastic field trips. We've attended assemblies, social events and special programs.

So for today, find the time to go back through all that you have gotten and all that you have done. It's time to make sure that everything is organized, just like we did each Friday. If there is something that you did not have time to get to this past week/month/year/first grade; then use the time now to take care of it.

Assignment: This is your assignment!

Regardless of what you do with your time today, find the time to appreciate all that you have done and appreciate those who have helped you so much in these uncertain times. As always, if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas please let me know.


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

June 11, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 11, 2020

Good Morning,

I think that the best thing that you could do today is to go and hug your family often throughout the day. It is such an easy way for you to make them feel good and make yourself feel good. It is important for you all to remember to take care of yourself so that you can always be ready to do your best!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: High Frequency Words Find this week's high frequency words: best, family, often, such and think. How many other words can you identify, just on sight?

Happy Early Birthday Xzavier!!


* The focus for today: Word Problems

Today you will have two-part word problems. First, you will set up the word problem and then you will solve the word problem for the second part.

Read Aloud

One final story from our "guest reader" that is a nice reminder of the butterflies Mrs. Marcel raised for us! The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.


* Spelling: Write your five sightwords. You found them in my writing, now it's your turn.


* Comprehension: Retell

Using and of the stories that we have heard this past week from our guest reader, give a five finger retell to someone in your family.

Then, using any different story of their choice, have a family member complete a five finger retell to you. You may have to help them know what to retell on each part of the hand. In case either of you need a reminder of how it is done,

Just in case your tall person isn't available right now to do this with you, here's one for you


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

June 10, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 10, 2020

Good Morning,

I checked out the work that you all have been doing in your reading and the results are showing that you are reading longer and stronger when you use your reading strategies. Super job, keep it up!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

Happy Early Birthday Wesley!!

* Teaching point: digraphs

ch: check

sh: showing

th: that

wh: when


* The focus for today: Word Problems

A good overview story problem strategies

Now practice these skills here

Please complete the quiz on addition word problems (you can sign up for this site but don't need to, it's up to you)

Assignment: Please send me your score.

Read Aloud

Our special guest reader offers a great read, especially in light of our science work, Miss Maple's Seeds written and illustrated by Eliza Wheeler


* The focus for today: Making a list

The end result, the effect, is that you want your seeds to grow. So, make a list causes that will result in your seeds growing.


* Phonics: red vowels and blue consonants

Write your words out with red vowels and blue consonants: blur, burn, church, fur, nurse, purse, surf, turf, turn, and turnip.

* Comprehension: noting details

One of the illustrations in the read aloud is a page with drawings of 20 different types of seeds. Select one of the seeds and make a drawing . Label your illustration with atleast three specific details .


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site


* Plants: A quick check to make sure that your seeds have everything that is needed

Now practice the parts of a plant with this science game

June 09, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 09, 2020

Good Morning,

How are you? Today is a great day to take stock of how you are feeling. So many things go into how you feel; so are you remembering to eat all of the delicious meals that are made for you? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you getting out to play in the fresh air? Make sure that you do it all to be the best that you can be!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Parts of a whole; Fractions

Today I mentioned that there are many things that go into making you feel well overall: diet, sleep, physical activity. What other parts put together make something whole (for example, what parts make up your house?)

Happy Early Birthday Daviana!!


* The focus for today: Word Problems

Start with this introduction to word problems

Now practice with these word problems

Read Aloud

We have a special "guest" reader for today's story, There's a Dragon in your Book by Tom Fletcher

Some great activities to go along with today's story


* Spelling: Finish each of these sentence starters:

Because it is raining,

Because it is sunny,

Because it is snowy,

Assignment: Send me your sentences.


* Comprehension: Following Directions

Simon Says

Playing Simon Says is a great way for students to practice following directions

Walk and Stop

Get out and go for a walk to practice following directions. As you walk, have someone call out to "stop". Then when you start back up again, make it more by asking them to run, jump, skip or dance.

Color by Numbers

Coloring by numbers is a quick and easy activity that reinforces following directions.

Hunting for Treasure

Students love a treasure hunt! Help them learn to follow directions by giving them each a set of clues. Follow one clue to the next until the treasure is found at the end of the game. The treasure will only be found by those who are following directions properly and can be anything you desire, such as a special pencils, plants or books that are already around your house and yard.

Social Studies

* American Flag

Based upon what we learned last week about the American flag, make a flag in recognition of Flag Day on Sunday.


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

June 08, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 08, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! How are you? Mondays can be such a wonderful time since the whole week lays ahead of us. It's a wonderful thing to have the luxury of time to do the things that we enjoy.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Punctuation

Exclamation Point: ! Strong emotion Happy Monday!

Question Mark: Looking for more information ? How are you?

Period: Makes a statement . Mondays can be such a wonderful time since the whole week lays ahead of us.

Happy Early Birthday Willow!!


* The focus for today: Word Problems

Start with this introduction to word problems

Now practice with these word problems

Read Aloud

We have a special "guest" reader for today's story, The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson

Some great activities to go along with today's story

Writing Determining Character's feelings

The story uses lots of different types of punctuation. Look at each type of punctuation and think about why it has been used.

Look at the different expressions of the characters shown in the story. How do you think they feeling?

Now, pick a page from the story and sketch the character. Then add speech bubbles to the illustrations shown in the book.

Assignment: Send me your page.


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each "r controlled" -ur word family member: blur, burn, church, fur, nurse, purse, surf, turf, turn, and turnip.

Raz Kids: Work on this for at least 20 minutes


* Computing: We are going to spend some time now working on computing events. After clicking on the link for, scroll down to Events and complete "A Royal Battle with Events"

June 05, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 05, 2020

Good Morning,

I'm feeling fine that my fabulous first graders are using this Friday to finish up their first full week of our final month of school. I've made my way to making some marvelous materials a part of all your work from being mathematicians to amazing readers.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: alliteration

f: feeling fine fabulous first Friday finish first full

m: made my making marvelous materials mathematicians

Happy Early Birthday Lucas!!


* The focus for today: Place Value

Khan Academy Clicking on our "class" (Room 17 Community) icon, Work on the first unit, Place Value for at least 20 minutes

Read Aloud

Building on our morning message, Louigi Loves Leaping by Kim Cassidy


Journaling -- Alliteration

Write a sentence about first grade that uses alliteration.

Assignment: Send me your first grade sentence that uses alliteration.


* Spelling: Write your spelling words in Rainbow Word format (You can pick the medium that you use: crayons, colored pencils, chalk, paint, marker)

* Comprehension: Literary Devices (Can't see the game? Try turning off adblocker. )

Practice the basic component of alliteration


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

June 04, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 04, 2020

Good Morning,

I have an idea...pretty soon you will be having more time outside. So the next read aloud that I have for you is a classic that I enjoy reading every year, usually after we come back from April vacation but this year has been so different that it got by me. Fortunately, one of our community members reminded me of it. I really hope that you enjoy it as much as Mrs. Blaser and I do (she got our latest classroom copy of it).

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: High Frequency Words Find this week's high frequency words: idea, more, next, pretty, and soon. How many other words can you identify just on sight?

Happy Early Birthday Dylan!!


* The focus for today: Graphs

Now is the time to apply the skills that you have been developing by determining which bar graph is correct. Start with this and then move on to the next level of practice with

Read Aloud

A cute story about a person who has a vision, The Tree Lady


* The focus for today: Cause and Effect

Finish each sentence starter by telling us what you would do in each situation:

Because it was raining,

Because it was sunny,

Because it was snowing,

Assignment: Send us your sentences


* Spelling: Write your five sight words. You found them in my writing, now it's your turn.

* Comprehension: Cause and Effect

This video is a quick overview of cause and effect

Now put it into action: Take 9×12 construction paper (landscape format) and fold it in half and then unfold it. Write “Cause” at the top of the left side and “Effect” at the top of the right side. Use crayons, markers, Sharpies, or watercolors to create a picture that shows a cause-and-effect relationship.


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

June 03, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 03, 2020

Good Morning,

How are you? It is a good day to do a check in and see how you are doing. Please make sure that you are spending some time working on your assignments and spending some time getting out and enjoying yourself. Both of them are equally important, so please make sure that you completed both of them today.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

Happy Birthday Abel!!

* Teaching point: suffix

Suffixes are added to the end of base words. They include: -ed, -ing and -s. Did you find any? completed, doing, assignments

Did you find any others?


* The focus for today: Graphing

Please complete the lessons on bar graphs. First we will start with interpreting bar graphs: and

Read Aloud

hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine. The Space X launch this weekend got me in the mood for some space books. Today I will read Pete the Cat Out of This World for you. Enjoy!

Pete the Cat- Out of this World

Mrs. Marcel


* The focus for today: Making a list

The end result, the effect, is that you want your seeds to grow. So, make a list causes that will result in your seeds growing.


* Phonics: red vowels and blue consonants

Write your words out with red vowels and blue consonants: born, corn, fort, horn, port, short, sort, sport, thorn, and torn..

This is your Assignment!

* Comprehension: cause and effect

Watch the video to give you background information on cause and effect

Now you try it: Cut three- by four-inch cards from two different colors of construction paper. One color is for the causes (If needed, write a “C” on the back of these to help remember), and the other color cards are for the effects (write an “E” on the back of these).

Next, come up with four different cause-and-effect events to record on the cards. For example, on one cause card, it might say: The mother bird sat on her nest. The effect card that matches it might say: The baby birds hatched out of their eggs. Or cause: It started to rain. Effect: We took out our umbrellas


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site


* Plants: It's time to make sure that the seeds are started. Mystery Doug answers some of the questions that you might have about your seeds.

Just a couple of things for you to think and talk over with your family at dinner tonight: 1. How do flowers bloom in the spring?

2. What did this lesson make you curious about? What other questions do you have about flowers?

June 02, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 02, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Tuesday! How has the start of June gone for you? I do hope well. I always look forward to new things, as it reminds me that there are always possibilities all around. I know that it is not easy, but I know that you can do it.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Place Value

Look at our date as a "math date". For the month and date, in what place is the zero. Now look at the year, in what places are the zeros?


* The focus for today: Graphing

We are going to start our work with interpreting charts, graphs and tables. A great way to start so many things is with a read aloud, so we are kicking this off with Stuart J. Murphy's Lemonade for Sale

Now, put into practice what you heard

Now, take it to the next step and create a pictograph

Read Aloud

Kathleen Pelley reads Dennis Haseley's A Story for Bear,


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: idea, more, next, pretty and soon.


* Comprehension: Scholastic Magazine

Mrs. Marcel has sent out an exciting set of choices from which you can choose your own activities. Have Fun!!

Social Studies

* American Flag

A week from Sunday will be Flag Day, so we are going to spend today learning about the American Flag. First off, a little information about the woman who made the Flag

Now, we will focus on the United States flag


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

June 01, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 01, 2020

Good Morning,

Oh is our first day of school in the month of June. Can you believe it? I can't! Do you remember what month we just finished? Do you know the name of the next month? One interesting thing about next month is that it is the only month that we don't get to have school. This month will be busy though...we need to finish one season and start a new one. Do you know which one we are finishing and which one we are beginning. Wow - lot's of sequenced things happening right now. No worries, you've got this!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Sequence

Order of months

Order of seasons


* The focus for today: Measurement

Log into When you are there, click on Measurement, data and geometry. Then, scroll down to do Shapes, Fractions of Shapes and the Quiz 2. Work on this for approximately 20 minutes.

Read Aloud

Reminding us just how great it is to be ourselves, I Don't Want to be a Frog by Dev Petty


Journaling -- June

What are you going to miss about May being over? What are you looking forward to in the month of June

Assignment: Send me your entry.


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each "r controlled" -or word family member: born, corn, fort, horn, port, short, sort, sport, thorn, and torn.

Scholastic: Mrs. Marcel has sent out the directions for logging on to this week's Scholastic magazine


* Computing: We are going to spend some time now working on computing events. After clicking on the link for, scroll down to Events and complete the "unplugged Activity" for The Big Even Jr.

May 29, 2020

Message to the class

May 29, 2020

I am going to term today "Find Time" Friday!

Time is going by so fast! To be honest, I want it to just stop. That can't happen though, so I am going to assign that you take the time and just Stop and Think! Think about what you have done; what you have been given to do. Do you have any things still left to do? What do you want to do? Take the time to reflect on the past and set some goals for the month ahead. Is there anything that you haven't had a chance to get to in first grade? If so, let me know and I will see what I can do to help you get there.

Assignment: This is your assignment!

Regardless of what you do with your time today, find the time to appreciate all that you have done and appreciate those who have helped you so much in these uncertain times. As always, if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas please let me know.


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site

May 28, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 28, 2020

Good Morning,

There is only one more school day until the month of May is over. Then we find that we are beginning our last month of school for this year. I know that the temperature is going to keep going higher and it will be easy to be distracted, but we still have great learning we get to do. I know that you can do it, I believe in you!!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: High Frequency Words Find this week's high frequency words: easy, find, high, last, and until. How many other words can you identify just on sight?


* The focus for today: Measurement

Marth Speaks helps us get ready to start applying our measurement skills

Today you will be putting into action your measurement (and addition) skills

Now you will take it a bit farther by also using some comparison skills

Read Aloud

A funny story by an author known for his humorous stories, Memorial Day Surprise by Theresa Martin Golding


* The focus for today: Sequential Writing

Watch Episode 2

Then write out your hook. You can use a similar format to the question that was used in the lesson, but make sure that you apply it to your topic.

Assignment: Send us your introductory hook sentence


* Spelling: Write your five sightwords. You found them in my writing, now it's your turn.

* Comprehension: Sequencing

1. Watch the video below explaining sequence of events.

2. Given a set of directions, practice putting them into the correct order

3. A fun song from the past


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

May 27, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 27, 2020

Good Morning,

87 years ago today, the World's Fair opened their celebratiion of "A Century of Progress". You have all made such amazing progress over the course of this year. You have learned so many new skill sets, grown in your behavior, made new friends and worked to be the most Fabulous First Grader that you can be. It's a good thing to remember all of your accomplishments.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: 's

Possessive: the base word ends with 's to show that something is owned. World's Fair

Contraction: two words joined together to form one. It + is = It's


* The focus for today: Measurement

Please complete the lessons in both inches and in centimeters. Please start each lesson with "easy" and once you are familiar with what you are doing, then you may select to complete it either medium or hard.

Read Aloud

As we get into the midst of spring, Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms by Julia Rawlinson


* The focus for today: Writing a sequence of steps

In preparation for our Science unit, you will be making a self-watering planter. Watch this video, , to learn an easy way to make a DIY self-Watering Planter

(It's great if you want to make one of these, but you will definitely need the help of a tall person as a sharp tool is necesssary! I just want you to be safe!)

Now, watch Episode 1 of Sequential .


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each "r controlled" -ir word family member: dirt, fir, first, girl, shirt, sir, skirt, stir, swirl and thirst.

This is your Assignment!

* Comprehension: Sequence

1. Listen to the video explaining about Sequencing

2. Play "Tina’s Bug Game", which is a following the directions in order game.

3. Complete this prompt: Sequencing means to ___ the story in ____. The four parts of sequencing are the ___, ___, ___, and the ___..


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site


* Plants: It's time to make sure that the seeds are started.

May 26, 2020

Morning Message to the class

June 02, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Tuesday! How has the start of June gone for you? I do hope well. I always look forward to new things, as it reminds me that there are always possibilities all around. I know that it is not easy, but I know that you can do it.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Place Value

Look at our date as a "math date". For the month and date, in what place is the zero. Now look at the year, in what places are the zeros?


* The focus for today: Graphing

We are going to start our work with interpreting charts, graphs and tables. A great way to start so many things is with a read aloud, so we are kicking this off with Stuart J. Murphy's Lemonade for Sale

Now, put into practice what you heard

Now, take it to the next step and create a pictograph

Read Aloud

Kathleen Pelley reads Dennis Haseley's A Story for Bear,


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: idea, more, next, pretty and soon.


* Comprehension: Cause and Effect

Watch the video for background information on cause and effect

Now you are going to practice cause and effect by being given a cause (on an ice cream cone) and you will have to match it with the effect (on the ice cream scoop)...I bet you could have figured out the lesson would have ice cream

Social Studies

* American Flag

A week from Sunday will be Flag Day, so we are going to spend today learning about the American Flag. First off, a little information about the woman who made the Flag


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

Morning Message to the class

May 26, 2020

Good Morning,

Well, this week is already zipping by; so, Happy Tuesday! I hope that you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. It is an important holiday, so I hope that you were able to find the time to show appreciation for those who have served this country as well as find some time to appreciate the important people in your life now.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: -r controlled vowels

Often when there is a vowel and then an r, the r becomes bossy and you can't clearly hear the vowel sound. So, those are just words that you have to memorize.


* The focus for today: Measurement

Log into When you are there, click on Measurement, data and geometry. Then, scroll down to Length and Size as well as Bar Graphs. Work on this for approximately 20 minutes.

Read Aloud

As a follow up to Dragons Love Tacos, we move on to Dragons get Colds too by Rebecca Roan,


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: easy, find, high, last, and until


* Comprehension: Literary Devices

Poetry- Sensory Poem

Watch the video describing our five senses. We need to know what they are before we can write our sensory poem.

A sensory poem, or five-senses poem, describes how a poet perceives what something looks like, tastes like, smells like, feels like, and sounds like. It does not need to rhyme.

The poem below is an example of a sensory poem.


I hear the pop, pop, pop.

I smell something buttery.

I see something white.

I feel something soft.

I taste something salty.

What could it be?

It's popcorn!

Your assignment is to think of your favorite food and make your own sensory poem in the attached document


Watch this video on how to sequence a project

Social Studies

* American Symbols

A good overview of some of the American symbols all around us are these tunes about America


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

May 22, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 22, 2020

Good Morning,

I'm feeling so appreciative for all that I have. I have been so fortunate to have such wonderful students and supportive families. I am always mindful of just how special my family is to me. I am also very thankful for our armed service members for the sacrifices that they make.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: mood

How are you feeling? Do you get a feeling from the words that I used to figure out how I am feeling?


* The focus for today: Telling Time

Today you will practice telling time by putting the time on the clock. There are different levels of difficulty. Start with the beginning level and then work your way up, but don't feel that you need to go all the way to the highest level if it is too frustrating for you. Just do your best.

Read Aloud

In recognition of our important long weekend, Memorial Day


Journaling -- Memorial Day

Write a "thank you" entry to those service members for the work that they do to protect our rights.

Assignment: Send me your sentence about your appreciation for our service members.


* Spelling: Write your spelling words three times for each word. One set will be in Red, one set will be in White (so you may have to find something dark on which to write the word: driveway, chalkboard, construction paper, inside of box, etc) and one set will be Blue.

Mystery Doug: Mrs. Marcel has a Mystery Doug lesson for you today.


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site

May 21, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 21, 2020

Good Morning,

Today's activities require you to do a lot of creative thinking. I know that you are familiar with a lot of these activities, so today you will be working on applying these skills in new and original ways! I know that you can do it, and I can't wait to see what you do.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Author's Message

In my message, I didn't come right out and say that you will have to do your work in different ways but the words/phrases that I used should have given you that idea.


* The focus for today: Telling Time

Today you will be identifying time to both the hour and the half hour

Now figure out how long it takes to complete some common activities that happen every day (many of them you do!)

Read Aloud

Mrs. Marcel has another great read aloud for you today.


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch Opinion Writing #8 and check that you have spaces, capitol letters and punctuation marks. Check your spelling too.


* Spelling: Write your five sight (Can you think of a different tool to use to "write" your words...water colors, in shaving cream, with play-doh, etc!)

* Genre: Acrostic Poem

1. Watch the video below explaining what an Acrostic Poem is.

2. Listen to the story called, "Signs of Spring"

3. Write your own Acrostic Poem using the word Spring.


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

May 20, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 20, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is a fun math date! What do you notice about it? Common elements like this don't happen that often so it is fun to stop and notice these things in life. It's also an important thing to do in life -- stop and notice just how much fun can be found everywhere. I hope you enjoy your Wednesday.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Number

Math date: 05-20-20 The month has the zero in the ten's column but the date and the year have it in the one's column. How many five groups can you get out of 20?


* The focus for today: Telling time to the hour

This is a more comprehensive activity as you will match clocks to the time given and write the time given

A peppy song to get you up, moving and practicing time

Read Aloud

Mrs. Marcel has a great read for you today.


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch the video. Then, reread your story to see if you can make it even better. Please make any changes that Mrs. Blaser and I leave for you.

Assignment: Send us your story


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ai word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. If you have watercolors at home, you could do this assignment with them.

* Genre: Poetry- Concrete/Shape Poem

A concrete, or shape, poem takes the shape of its subject. For example, a concrete poem about a lollipop is arranged in the shape of a lollipop.

Watch the video below which describes a shape poem . Then, try to make one of your own about your sneakers .


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site

May 19, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 19, 2020

Good Morning,

Even though we are not at Hoyle School to go out for recess, I always think that it is great to take a walk around the yard. I know that you are very creative, so I believe that you will be able to come up with some really great things to do to fit in some fun.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: sight words being used in context.

always, great, school, things, and walk

Assignment: Show me/tell me what you did today to make it matter!


* The focus for today: Telling time

You will write what time the clock shows

After you match the correct time on the clock, you will know that you have the correct answer as you will see the face smile! After answering the question, click on the clock face to get the next question.

Read Aloud

Hopefully you don't have this happen, Grumpy Monkey by Suzanne Lang


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch this video that explains how to write a conclusion. Please add this to your favorite story writing assignment.


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: always, great, school, things, and walk

* Comprehension: Scholastic Magazine

Mrs. Marcel sent out the most recent Scholastic magazine yesterday; today she has a great activity to go along with it.

Assignment is to send us what you created.

Social Studies For this week only, we'll be switching our days for Science & Social Studies

* Read Works: From our study of American Symbols, this week we are focusing on Memorial Day


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

May 18, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 18, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! Believe it or not, today will be your last Monday in school during the month of May. Can you believe it? Do you know why? Next Monday is Memorial Day, which you will have off from school. The next Monday will be the start of June, our last month of spring.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Calendar Skills

What will the date of next Monday be? How many Mondays in May are there this year? What will be the date of the next Monday? (I often either check a calendar or draw one out so that I can figure how much time I have.)


* The focus for today: Telling Time

Log into When you are there, click on Measurement, data and geometry. Then, scroll down to Time. There are two videos that you should watch first and then click on the work sites. Work on this for approximately 20 minutes.

Read Aloud

A favorite of many at Hoyle, Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch episode 5 to learn how to add reasons and examples

When finished, use the four reasons from your graphic organizer to start writing your paper. Please add this to your introduction paper that you already did. You can find that document by scrolling through to the previous assignment or clicking on the waffle/9 square next to your name. This will give you a drop down menu. Select documents and find your introductory paragraph.


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each "r controlled" -er word family member: fern, herb, herd, nerve, person, serve, swerve, term, tern, and verb.

Mrs. Marcel is sending out the latest Scholastic magazine and the directions for accessing it. This is your Assignment for both today and tomorrow!


* Computing: We are going to spend some time now working on the impacts of computing. After clicking on the link for, scroll down to The Impacts of Computing and complete the "unplugged Activity" for The Right App

May 15, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 15, 2020

Good Morning,

As we finish up the week, we are half-way through the month of May. Can you believe it? I have been taking some time to look back over all that you have had the opportunity of doing. Today is a great time for you to celebrate all that you have accomplished throughout this year. Your hard work is noticed and I am proud of it. Keep up the great work!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Capitalization and Punctuation

Beginning of sentence: As we finish up the week,

The word I: I have been taking some time

Names: the month of May.

Period: Stop .

Question Mark: When you are looking for information ?

Exclamation Point: Strong emotion !


* The focus for today: Values of coins

Your focus is to be figuring out equivalent amounts of coins

Now, you will be working on determining which groups of coins have the same value, even though different coins were used in the combination

Read Aloud

Continuing on with our study of fairy tales


Journaling -- The month of May

There is an expression that April showers bring May flowers. What do you hope to have happen in the month of May?


* Spelling: Write your spelling words in Rainbow Word format (You can pick the medium that you use: crayons, colored pencils, chalk, paint, marker)

* Comprehension: Fairy Tales

Remember the characteristics of a fairy tale

Now, based upon one of your favorite fairy tales, give a retell of one of the fairy tales that you have read; remember to include:

* the characters

* the beginning and the ending phrases

* if there was any magic

* if there is an enchanted element

* the common theme

* any conflicts that the characters have


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

May 14, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 14, 2020

Good Morning,

You have been doing a nice job with your study of what plants and animals are in need of at this time of the year. We'll be switching over to more plant topics for a while, it's getting to be that time of the year when we will be able to be outside more to care for our plants.

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Contractions

You + have = You've

We'll = We + will


* The focus for today: Coins

You will be practicing your facts, but this time you will be using pennies, nickels and dimes.

I am thinking that Mrs. Hart will be so excited that you are using music in math class

Read Aloud

Mrs. Marcel returns with sending out another great read! After you enjoy the story, remember to send her a thank you.


* The focus for today: Introductory Paragraph

Watch the following video to help you learn how to write an introduction for your favorite book writing assignment. You can use the same words, but change them to your favorite story.


* Spelling: Write your five sight (Try using a different material if you have it; for example, write with eraser on dark magazine pages!)

* Comprehension: Comparing Two Versions of the Same Story

1. Log into epic books and listen to Little Red Riding Hood by James Marshall.

2. Watch LonPoPo on the link below.

3. Think about the ways that these two stories are the same and different.

4. Complete the attached worksheet.




Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

May 13, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 13, 2020

Good Morning,

Today's read aloud is a reminder back to December when we heard a very similar story to this one. The characters and the setting may be different, but it's alike in that it has the same message for us to learn

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Possessive (vs plural)

Possessive: Today's read aloud (the read aloud I am talking is the one for today).

Contraction: it's = it + is


* The focus for today: Coins

Building on what was done yesterday, we are moving on to practicing our skills

A peppy rap that might stick with you

Read Aloud

Mrs. Marcel has prepared a special read aloud for us that she is sending out to you! Enjoy!!


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch episode 3 on opinion writing

Your favorite book should be typed in the center and the four reasons why it is your favorite should be typed around it.

Assignment: Send me your graphic organizer


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ai word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. If you have watercolors at home, you could do this assignment with them.

* Comprehension: Fairy Tales

Using any of the fairy tales that we have covered so far, complete at least one row about your favorite fairy tale.

Social Studies

* Read Works: From our study of American Symbols, this week we are continuing on with gathering American Symbols


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

May 12, 2020

May 11, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 11, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! We all have women in our life that do so many special things for us. Yesterday was our day to celebrate those special people. Did you remember to do something special to show that woman just how important she is to you? I hope so, as I know just how kind you are!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Singular/Plural.

Singular: One person, place or thing

I, you, me, my, he, she, it

Plural: More than one

We, us, they, them


* The focus for today: Coins

A catchy tune to get us started with coins

Practice counting money. As a warm up, begin with level one but do try to move on to either level 2 or 3.

Read Aloud

We will be spending time this week learning about fairytalles. We are starting with The Ugly Duckling


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch Episode 1 to get you familiar with the Opinion Writing process.

Make an illustration of something that is your favorite and then write down a list of ten characteristics about it. At dinner, play a game of twenty questions...your family has to ask you questions to see if they can figure out what your favorite item might be.

For example: My picture is vanilla ice cream (Did you guess that)

Questions might be: Is it a food? What color is it? Is it hard? Is it a tool?


* Phonics: Flash Cards for "r" controlled words

Make a flash card for each -ai word family member: art, bar, bark, car, cart, chart, dark, jar, park, smart.

This is your Assignment!

* Raz Kids: Work on this for at least 20 minutes.


* Keyboarding: It's been a while, so we are going to get back to keyboarding. It's more important to go slow and steady than try to rush through this.

Morning Message to the class

May 12, 2020

Good Morning,

I want to let you know that it is so important to take a little time at home and sit down to understand just how many wonderful lessons there are in fairy tales. I know that so much of them have the same points that we use in our classroom expectations. I bet that you do the same great behaviors at home because the people you love are there!

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: sight words being used in context.

know, let, love, much, and take


* The focus for today: Coins

A quick overview of coins

Now practice identifying the value of the coins

Read Aloud

In preparation for your upcoming opinion writing assignment, listen to some stories and pick your favorite.


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch episode 2 on Opinion writing


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: know, let, love, much, and take

* Comprehension: Fairy Tales

To introduce us to our genre of fairy tales

This slideshare gives an overview of the elements that make up a fairy tale.


* Read Works: One thing that we had worked on through the course of the year is inventions, so today's lesson is on Inventions by Women

** After you click on the link, click on "I'm a Student" by the life raft picture. Our class code is S6GE4P. Then just click on your name and have fun!!

This is an Assignment.


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

May 11, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 11, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! We all have women in our life that do so many special things for us. Yesterday was our day to celebrate those special people. Did you remember to do something special to show that woman just how important she is to you? I hope so, as I know just how kind you are!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Singular/Plural.

Singular: One person, place or thing

I, you, me, my, he, she, it

Plural: More than one

We, us, they, them


* The focus for today: Coins

A catchy tune to get us started with coins

Practice counting money. As a warm up, begin with level one but do try to move on to either level 2 or 3.

Read Aloud

We will be spending time this week learning about fairytales. We are starting with The Ugly Duckling


* The focus for today: Opinion Writing

Watch Episode 1 to get you familiar with the Opinion Writing process.

Make an illustration of something that is your favorite and then write down a list of ten characteristics about it. At dinner, play a game of twenty questions...your family has to ask you questions to see if they can figure out what your favorite item might be.

For example: My picture is ice cream (Did you guess that)

Questions might be: Is it a food? What color is it? Is it hard? Is it a tool?


* Phonics: Flash Cards for "r" controlled words

Make a flash card for each -ai word family member: art, bar, bark, car, cart, chart, dark, jar, park, smart.

This is your Assignment!

* Raz Kids: Work on this for at least 20 minutes.


* Keyboarding: It's been a while, so we are going to get back to keyboarding. It's more important to go slow and steady than try to rush through this.

May 08, 2020

Message to the class

May 08, 2020

I am going to term today "Find Time" Friday!

Yesterday, you had the opportunity to pick up a lot of things from school. I have given you materials from your desk, including your math workbook, your WOW notebook, your Write and Draw journal, your sight word book and your reader's response journal. Some of these items we will use over the next six weeks; for example, you will enter directly into your WOW notebook your word families that I give you the beginning of each week; and you will put your five sight words into your sight word book.

I also pulled together some additional work that is designed to reinforce skills: some math, writing, Scholastic news magazines and some worksheets to go with them. Important: you do not need to finish these up today. These are all items that reinforce skills that we had worked on prior to school being closed as well as some of those skills that I have sent to you over the net. These are additional resources for you to use, but I am not assigning them to you now.

So for today, find the time to go through all that you have gotten and get them organized, just like we did each Friday. If there is something that you did not have time to get to this week then use the time now to take care of it.

Assignment: This is your assignment!

Regardless of what you do with your time today, find the time to appreciate all that you have done and appreciate those who have helped you so much in these uncertain times. As always, if you have any questions, thoughts or ideas please let me know.


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

May 07, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 07, 2020

Good Morning,

How are you? It is important to remember that in doing all of your work, part of your work is to also make sure that you take care of yourself! So, on this Thursday make sure that you make part of today a "Take-Time Thursday!" -- take time to enjoy your snack, read a good story, tell a tall person how much you love them!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Long vowel sounds

Open vowels: a

Vowel Pairs: Thursday, read, day

Vowel-Consonant-e: make, take


* The focus for today: Subtraction

Today you will be practicing your facts and trying to add in a little more speed (but do not sacrifice accuracy).

Now it's time to practice

Read Aloud

Today we have another read aloud from the same presenter, Grrrrrrr.... by Rob Biddulph


* The focus for today: Informational Writing

In looking back over your writing, check to see if there is any technical terminology that you might need to include in a glossary.


* Spelling: Write your five sight (Try using a different material if you have it; for example, write with eraser on dark magazine pages!)

* eSpark Learning: Work on this for atleast 20 minutes.


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

May 06 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 06, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is a wonderful Wednesday. This morning, my kids and I were able to find a brief moment to get out and find some wonderful sights as we went for a quick walk around our pretty yard. I hope that you are able to find some wonderful things to watch. If you are looking for something interesting, check out these sharks

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Descriptions

Some words (adjectives) tell more about something, describing it further: brief moment; wonderful sights; quick walk; pretty yard


* The focus for today: Double Digit Addition with Regrouping

Building on what was done yesterday, we are moving on to practicing our skills with Double Digit Addition with Regrouping

A peppy song to remind us of the rules

Read Aloud

A story with a message that is always good for us to remember, I Don't Like Koala by Sean Ferrell

* The focus for today: Informational Writing

Watch the video. Then, reread your story to see if you can make it even better. Please make any changes that Mrs. Blaser and I leave for you.

Assignment: Send us your story


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ai word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. If you have watercolors at home, you could do this assignment with them.

* Comprehension: Compare and Contrast

As you are going through the video, follow along and answer the questions posed to you on comparing and those on contrasting.

Social Studies

In preparation for this coming Sunday


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

May 05, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 06, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is a wonderful Wednesday. This morning, my kids and I were able to find a brief moment to get out and find some wonderful sights as we went for a quick walk around our pretty yard. I hope that you are able to find some wonderful things to watch. If you are looking for something interesting, check out these sharks

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Descriptions

Some words (adjectives) tell more about something, describing it further: brief moment; wonderful sights; quick walk; pretty yard


* The focus for today: Double Digit Addition with Regrouping

Building on what was done yesterday, we are moving on to practicing our double-digit addition skills

A peppy song to remind us of the rules

Read Aloud

A story with a message that is always good for us to remember, I Don't Like Koala by Sean Ferrell


* The focus for today: Informational Writing

Watch the video. Then, reread your story to see if you can make it even better. Please make any changes that Mrs. Blaser and I leave for you.

Assignment: Send us your story


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ai word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. If you have watercolors at home, you could do this assignment with them.

* Comprehension: Compare and Contrast

As you are going through the video follow along and answer the questions posed to you on comparing and those on contrasting.

Social Studies

In preparation for this coming Sunday


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

Morning Message to the class

May 05, 2020

Good Morning,

Today, I want to have some nice weather because I want to take down some the window boxes on my home, plant them and put them back up under my kid's windows as a surprise for them. It is not a big thing, but it will make them both happy and those are the best things to do for someone you love!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: sight words being used in context.

down, home, today, under, and want


* The focus for today: Two digit addition, with regrouping

This activity is based upon is based on adding and subtracting within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.

Read Aloud

A timely story for today,


* The focus for today: Informational Writing

Watch this video that explains how to write a conclusion. Please add this to your Butterfly Life Cycle story writing assignment.


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: down, home, today, under, and want

* Comprehension: Compare/Contrast

Compare and Contrast game using very short stories


* Plants: It's getting to be time to start planting


Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

May 04, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 04, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! How was your first weekend in May? My two kids and I went out into our backyard space and we had a mini-picnic. I made six sandwiches and we had a bowl that must have had 50 blackberries...everyone was hungry from a busy morning. I hope that you had some fun this weekend.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Odd/Even Numbers

Looking at the date as a math date, which numbers are even and which are odd. Where else do you see even and odd numbers?


* The focus for today: Place Value Scavenger Hunt

The kids loved playing "I Spy" and doing scavenger hunts, so I thought, "Why not do one with numbers?" In this activity, students look for numbers in the real world that fit a certain description. For example, they might look for a number with a three in the tens place, or try to find a number with a five in the ones place. They cut out the number and glue it beside the clue it matches.

Place Value War

This is a fun two player game that requires a deck of playing cards or UNO cards. If using a deck of playing cards, leave the Joker cards but remove the jacks, queens, kings, and aces. If using UNO cards, leave the WILD cards, but remove the reverse, draw two, draw four, and skip cards.

How to Play:

Students turn over three cards for doing ones, tens, and hundreds.

Students lay the cards side by side in the order they draw them to make a two or three-digit number. If they turn over a Joker or WILD card, it can stand for any number. The person with the largest number gets a point. The first student to reach a certain number of points is the winner.

Read Aloud

A story celebrating that we can Be a Friend by Salina Yoon


* The focus for today: Informational Writing

Watch episode 5 to learn how to add reasons and examples. When finished, use the four reasons from your graphic organizer to start writing your paper. Please add this to your introduction paper that you did Thursday.


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each -igh word family member: bright, flight, high, knight, light, right, sigh, sight, thigh, tight.

This is your Assignment!

* Raz Kids: Work on this for atleast 20 minutes.


* Keyboarding: Trying to gain a little speed on our keyboarding. It's more important to go slow and steady than try to rush through this.

May 01, 2020

Morning Message to the class

May 01, 2020

Good Morning,

As we finish up the week, we are beginning a new month. Our new month usually has a lot of changes happening all of the time; finishing cooler spring and starting on warmer spring, going from bare gardens to flowerbeds. I hope that you stop and take the time to go out and enjoy!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: opposites

finish/begin; cooler/warmer; bare garden/flowerbeds; stop/go


* The focus for today: Place Value

Khan Academy Work on the first unit, Place Value, in for at least 20 minutes

Read Aloud

So for today, I am sharing with you some background information on May Day


Journaling -- May Day

This is not only a wonderful time to celebrate the work that we do but also the beauty of spring. What do you want to celebrate on this May Day?


* Spelling: Write your spelling words in Rainbow Word format (You can pick the medium that you use: crayons, colored pencils, chalk, paint, marker)

* Comprehension: Roll and Retell

Using Alexandra Davis's non-fiction piece, Lumber Jills, play the following game is played using non-fiction texts. Otherwise, it is played just like last week's game. Have fun!

Using one die, roll and answer story element questions. Use Lumber Jills to answer the questions. The game is over when you have rolled and answered six questions. You can also play the game against someone, each using a different book (there is also the read aloud). This may make the other person to want to pick it up and read that other book.


Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

April 30, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 30, 2020

Good Morning,

Oh my, can you believe that the month of April is over today? I can't! Tomorrow we are starting a new month. Do you remember the names of the months in order? Everybody has a different trick...Mrs. Hart uses music Keep it up so we can finish up strong!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Capitalization

Beginning of a sentence: Tomorrow we are starting a new month.

Proper Names: Mrs. Hart

The word I: I can't


* The focus for today: Subtraction

You will be practicing your facts and trying to add in a little more speed (but do not sacrifice accuracy).

While we don't use numbers this high, the concept modeled is one that we do use in first grade

Read Aloud

This classic is an excellent book with an excellent message.


* The focus for today: Introductory Paragraph

Watch the following video to help you learn how to write an introduction for your Butterfly Life cycle writing assignment. You can use the same words, but change them to match what you saw each day on with our classroom butterflies.


* Spelling: Write your five sight (Try using a different material if you have it; for example, write with eraser on dark magazine pages!)

* Comprehension: Making Predictions

Look at the cover of Oliver Jeffers book The Day the Crayons Quit


Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

April 29, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 29, 2020

Good Morning,

Today is a wonderful Wednesday. I have so many fabulous activities planned for you to do today. The read aloud that is planned for you is a really good story. Finally, the social studies work is a really great review of what you have been doing for the past few lessons.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Supporting Details

I have given three reasons (activities, read aloud and social studies) for my point (it's a wonderful Wednesday).


* The focus for today: Subtraction

Building on what was done yesterday, we are moving on to practicing our skills with more subtraction

A peppy rap that might stick with you

Read Aloud

As the nature around us continues to change, a nice story to remind us of some good consistent choices


* The focus for today: Narrative Writing

Watch episode 3 on opinion writing

Fill in the graphic organizer

A sentence about a caterpillar's metamorphosis should be typed in the middle and the steps it goes through should be typed into each box

Assignment: Send me your graphic organizer


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ai word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. If you have watercolors at home, you could do this assignment with them.

* Comprehension: Drawing Conclusions

As an introductory overview,

Practice it on this "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" style game (Remember to have fun and do your best)

Social Studies

* Read Works: From our study last week of American Symbols, this week we are continuing on with gathering information on US Presidents. There are six in today's lesson:


Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

April28, 2020

April 27, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 27, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! How was your week off from school? I had a nice time with my family, as we had more time to do relaxing things but it was also strange as I was still at home but I did not get to teach you which is something that I normally do when I am home. So, it was odd being away for only part of what I do!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Syllable.

To find the number of syllables:

Divide between two middle consonants. ...

Usually divide before a single middle consonant. ...

Divide before the consonant before an "-le" syllable. ...

Divide off any compound words, prefixes, suffixes and roots which have vowel sounds.


* The focus for today: Two - digit by Two - digit addition

Double digit numbers modeled with unifix cubes

Practice adding numbers, moving onto those that require regrouping.

Read Aloud

Mrs. Marcel has a screencastify story for us today, Duck on a Bike by David Shannon (We remember just how much so many of you enjoy many of his other books!)


* The focus for today: Informational Writing

Watch Episode 1 to get you familiar with the Informational Writing process.

In preparation for this writing assignment, check out the first day of our caterpillar's growth:

To give you some additional information, check out this video


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each -ai word family member: air, chain, chair, drain, hair, mail, pail, snail tail, train.

This is your Assignment!

* Raz Kids: Work on this for atleast 20 minutes.


* Keyboarding: It's been a while, so we are going to get back to keyboarding. It's more important to go slow and steady than try to rush through this.

April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Good Morning,

As we finish up the week, I just realized that it will be over a week until I have a chance to send you another morning message. I think that is a long time. Do you know why I won't be writing to you next week? It is April holiday in the state of Massachusetts. I hope that you all have a wonderful time with your family doing lots of fun activities!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: contractions

won't = will not

It is = It's

Question of the Day:

Hooray! I say. This is the best way, I get to wear a hat today!


* The focus for today: Two - digit addition

The main character may not usually be working at this time of the year, so he had some time to come down and help with one way of looking at double digit addition:

You will get to practice by fluently adding and subtracting within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction in this game of concentration.

A good review (and a bit more timely) for place value is the book Earth Day - Hooray by Stuart J. Murphy

Read Aloud

So for today, I am sharing with you Five Creatures


Journaling -- April Holiday

This vacation is different than some others as the idea of taking a vacation is that you are away from what you usually do. While you may not be away from where you got to do your work and you still get to be with your family, you won't be getting to practice your great skills. Tell me your thoughts about the upcoming vacation week.


* Spelling: Write your spelling words in Rainbow Word format (try using water colors to do this, but if you do make sure to use heavy construction paper)

* Comprehension: Roll and Retell

Using the Read Aloud for today, play Roll and Retell:

Using one die have your child roll the die and then answer a question. You can use the book from the read aloud or an individual book they were reading to answer the questions. The game is over when they have rolled and answered all six questions. They can also play the game against someone, each using a different book. This may make the other person to want to pick it up and read that other book.

Assignment: Send me the title of the book that you used and I will compile a list of the books. Then when we get back to Hoyle I will order those books for us to play this game in class.

Today your special is gym. Make sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

April 16, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 16, 2020

Good Morning,

I like to do some reflection (thinking over) when there is going to be a break, which will be starting after tomorrow. With the April break coming up, I want to take a quick moment to let you know that I am appreciative of the perseverance that you have shown in sticking with the work that we have been doing. Keep it up so we can finish up strong!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Capitalization

Beginning of a sentence: With the April break coming up, I want to take a quick moment

Proper Names: With the April break coming up, I want to take a quick moment

The word I: With the April break coming up, I want to take a quick moment

Question of the Day:

Today is one of the best days of all...Crazy Sock Day!


* The focus for today: math vocabulary

Today starts off with switching things up just a little bit. If you are going to be good at anything, you need to understand the vocabulary for the subject. So, today's math starts off with the essential vocabulary

Now practice these skills using some of the strategies that we have covered this far this year

Read Aloud

As we get ready for Earth Day next week, it is a good time to hear Dr. Seuss' The Lorax


* The focus for today: Accurate spelling

Next Wednesday is Earth Day 2020. Make a list of three things you can do to make Earth a better place to live.

Assignment: Now do at least one of the things that you listed, and be proud of helping the Earth.


* Spelling: Write your five sight words in shaving cream (Do this assignment at bath time, as it is a great way to multi-task: they learn, get clean and the bathroom smells nice!)

* Comprehension: Visualizing

Based upon the story that you heard as a part of the read aloud, design a paper bag that has the main idea of the story (things you can do for the Earth). Ask your tall person for a brown paper grocery bag and decorate the bags with your messages about Earth Day!

Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

April 15, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 15, 2020

Good Morning,

Today the month of April is one-half over. Since the date is the 15th, how many more days do we have in the month of April? Remember that you need to count all days, not just the school days. As a hint, look at the date of the month since you know that the month is 1/2 over.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Fractions

The numerator indicates how many groups are in use; the denominator indicates the total number of groups. We've used one group of 15 days out of a total of two groups of 15 (30 days in April). One-half = 1/2

Question of the Day:

Today is mix-match day. Let's see just how creative you can be with coming up things that should match are mixed up.

Your tall person can also tweet out your photos, if interested in doing so, as well as send them to me.

Tweet your photos to @hoyleshool


* The focus for today: Subtraction

Building on what was done yesterday, we are moving on to practicing our skills with

A peppy song that might stick with you is

Read Aloud

Mercer Meyer's It's Earth Day


* The focus for today: Journaling/Recording observations

Finish up your entries on your Solar Water. Use your five senses to notice details to make your observations for this recording. Remember that your text and your observations need to match.

Assignment: Send me your observations.


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ay word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red. As a fun option, try writing them in sidewalk chalk on your driveway! If you do this, you must be very careful to not go anywhere near the end of your driveway.

* Comprehension: Noting Details

To further practice determining the importance of facts, give your child a large piece of construction paper and four white index cards. As they read Just Ducks, they should write four important details or facts — one on each index card.

On the construction paper, they are to draw an illustration of one of the main characters. Then on the index cards, they are to list the important facts.

In other words you will be able to make connections between different things you read.

To "tie it all together", make a mobile out of it by punching four equally spaced holes in the construction paper and on the top of the index cards. They can then tie a string through each of the holes, making a mobile.

Social Studies

* Amerian Symbols: From our study last week of American Symbols, this week we are going to go back and review:

Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

April 14, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 14, 2020

Good Morning,

Emma was looking over our morning message and she said that we don't have many chances now to use our sight words with each other, so I decided that I would put them into the morning message for today. Do you remember what they are? Can you find them? It can be a fun memory match game, so enjoy!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: sight words.

don't, our, over, said, that

Question of the Day:

Today is School Spirit Day. Show the world (safely from your home) just how much you love Hoyle Elementary School! Break out your maroon and gold.

Be creative and have fun!

Remember to send those photos along!


* The focus for today: Subtraction

Azaan reviews basic subtraction facts for us

Please note that the activity comes in three different levels. It is better for you to start out on a level that might seem easier and then move up to a lesson that is a bit harder.

Read Aloud

Continuing on with Earth Day is Alyssa Satin Capucilli's Biscuits Earth Day Celebration


* The focus for today: Journaling/Recording observations

Continue on with recording your observations about your solar water purification. Try to notice what you may see on the plastic wrap, in the large bowl and the small bowl.


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: that, said, don't over, and our

* Comprehension: Noting Details

Five finger retell on Hello Hello by Brendan Wenzel


* Mystery Science: Since more of the flowers are going to be blooming, today we have this lesson

Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site for more great art learning!

April 13, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 13, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday! Did you have a nice long weekend? I do hope so. Did you do anything special over the long weekend? Even though it is not how we would normally spend the Easter holiday, we were able to do a few of the things that we usually do, and some of that was even changed a bit. It, actually, was nice having it changed up a little as it made us think about what we were doing and to enjoy what we have.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: long vowel sounds.

Two-vowels-go-walking, the-first-does-the-talking: weekend, Easter

vowel-consonant-e: even, nice, made, though

open: we

Question of the Day:

Today kicks off our Virtual Spirit Week! We are starting the week off with Pajama Day -- a good start since we just had a long weekend!

If you are interested, send me a picture of you showing your Hoyle Spirit by you wearing your PJs. If your tall person is ok with your picture being tweeted out, then please have them me know that as well!

Either way, I know that Room 17 is Super Spirited, so let's show 'em what we got...A LOT!!


* The focus for today: One - digit by Two - digit addition

A quick review of adding double digit numbers with this review of a couple ways of doing one by two digit addition:

Practice adding numbers, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction in this game .

Read Aloud

Mrs. Clark reads Earth Day, Birthdayby Maureen Wright


* The focus for today: Journaling/Recording observations

A week from Wednesday is Earth Day. As talked about 71 percent of it is salt water. Did you know that 96.5% of that is salt water? You are going to keep a log for the next three days on making "purified" solar water. You will magically turn salt water into fresh water (witht he help of solar energy!)

How to:

1. Pour 2 cups of water into a large bowl.

2. Mix 3 tsp of salt into the water. Taste the water, it’s super salty!

3. Place a small empty bowl or cup inside of the larger bowl.

4. Cover with plastic wrap and place outside in the sun.

5. Either place a rock on top of the bowl or secure the wrap with a rubber band (to keep plastic wrap tightly secured on the bowl).

6. Keep the bowl outside for 1 to 3 days (until you get enough purified water into your small bowl to taste).

** Remember that illlustrations help to record the facts. You may only be able to record the basic facts as nothing has happened yet. This is a very valid entry as it gives you the information to make comparisons.

Compare the water in the larger bowl to the water in the smaller bowl. Do you taste the difference?!

What’s happening?! The sun’s rays will heat the water, causing it to evaporate! To help you figure out how to answer this,


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each -ay word family member: bay, clay, day, hay, gray, lay, play, ray, spray and tray.

This is your Assignment!

* Raz Kids: Work on this for atleast 20 minutes.


* Keyboarding: You are continuing on with the Keyboarding Zoo with part 2 in which you will have to type both upper and lower case letters as well as words and short sentences

April 09, 2020


In an attempt to make the process of distance learning easier for everyone, I am going to be putting the same information that I send out to you each morning and that I post on my google site on my google classroom.

Hopefully before you got this, you were received another email that had your child's specific login information as well as a short video tutorial should you wish to use google classroom.

It is new for all of us, and I am sure that there will be a learning curve (I expect that it will at least be happening on my end for sure!), so I ask for your continued patience (which has been wonderful) and to keep asking questions. Thanks!

Morning Message to the class

April 09, 2020

Good Morning,

Oh my! Can you believe that this is the last day of our learning week. Do you remember back to our morning message on Monday? I mentioned that this week is going to be shorter, so now you know that's because there is no school on Friday of this week. We still have plenty of great learning to do.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Punctuation

Comma: a slight break or quick pause in a sentence

Exclamation point: stop at the end of a sentence that has strong emotion

Question mark: stop after a sentence that is trying to get more information

Period: stop as you just shared a telling sentence

Question of the Week:

Trying something new this week, we have a question of the week (similar to what we would do each day as a part of our morning meeting). Question


* The focus for today: Estimation

Try this interactive game: Bubble Bath Estimation

Read Aloud

Natasha Wing's The Night Before Easter


Journal: This is a long weekend, with Easter falling on Sunday. From your point of view, what is going to be the best part of having this long weekend?

Assignment: Send me your journal entry.


* Spelling: Play spelling toss. Write your five sight words down (it can be on small pieces of paper for inside the house or in chalk for on your drive way for outside of your house). Then toss something onto the word (for example a bean bag) and then spell the word on which you landed.

* Comprehension: Visualizing

You have six stories from which to select. As you read/listen to the story you have chosen, draw what you visualize in your head

Today's special is Music. Be sure to check out Mrs. Hart's site

April 08, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 08, 2020

Good Morning,

Wow - it's Wednesday already. I can not believe just how fast the time is going by. I think that it is because I am so lucky to have so many great things in my life...a healthy family, hard working students, wonderful teachers with whom I get to work and kind friends. I bet you have a lot of the similar things in your life -- enjoy them all.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Skip counting

Using the date in all numbers, 04-08-20, it is all divisible by 02 and 04


* The focus for today: Number Sense

You may select the activities that you do. PBS

Read Aloud

David Harbour reads Julie Falatko's Snappsy the Alligator Did Not Ask to be in this Book.


* The focus for today: Describing Words:

Who are the "creatures" that live in your house? Draw a picture of them and come up with a listing of five descriptors for each one.


* Phonics: Red vowels and blue consonants

Write out this week's -ay word families; with the consonants in blue and the vowels in red.

* Raz Kids: Work on this for atleast 20 minutes.

Social Studies

* Amerian Symbols: From our study last week of American Symbols, this week we are going to build on that to include a famous American -- our current President of the United States

Next, there are "Trading Cards" on some of the Presidents and Firt Ladies with some interesting facts.

From there, please watch the video of Washington D.C.

1. Click on the Videos tab at the bottom of the screen

2. Scroll over to "Presley Visits Washington D.C."

Assignment: Let me know at least one fact that you learned about either a president or a first lady.

Today's special is Health. Be sure to check out Mrs. Medas's site.

April 07, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 07, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Tuesday! Today is a great day for celebrating all of the great work that you have been doing...You have been marvelous mathematicians making sure to complete each step to solve a problem; your writing has been wonderful when you are including the text, the illustrations and the mechanics (capitalization and punctuation) and your reading is developing super strong. Keep up the fantastic work. I am so thrilled with your efforts!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Synonym.

Words that convey almost the same idea or meaning.


Assignment: Pick out a word that tells me how about you and then give me a synonym for it. Be creative with this. You can write it down, draw and label pictures, send a picture or two into which you have put the word and the synonym (for example: big:large; write the words on a piece of paper and then put the paper next to a big tree in your yard and take a picture of it).


* The focus for today: Estimates

Put about 20 objects in a jar, bowl, or a pile and have your child observe how full the jar/bowl is or how big the pile is. Then remove 10 items from the group. Doing this gives your child a visual idea of what 10 shells looks like. It helps them make more accurate estimates.

Repeat again with a similar number of other objects to give your child more


Read Aloud

David A. Adler's book Let's Estimate


* The focus for today: Mechanics of writing (Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling)

Using a collection of items, make two groupings with one group having more than the other. Then write a sentence in which you use one of these phrases: more-than, less-than and is equal to.


* Spelling: Write three sentences using at least one of this week's spelling words: but, going, here, little and two.

(Remember that since you already know these sight words, the focus is for you to practice the activity.)

* Comprehension: Summarizing

Into the Book: An interactive site to practice figuring out and tellilng about what is really important in the story.

A Pirate's Life:


* Plants and Animals: Here is a video about the sun

Your special today is art. Make sure that you check out Mrs. Abrain's site

April 06, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 06, 2020

Good Morning,

While this is going to be a "short" week, there are still a lot of really great things planned to do. First off though, do you know why it is a short week? When will our learning week be shortened? How many days of learning will we have this week? How many days off will we have?

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Calendar Skills.

Using the calendar to gather data: Week days vs. week ends; holidays; total days in a week; etc


* The focus for today: Shapes

The forecast for today is for beautiful weather, so math today is on the move. Head out into your yard and look for shapes all around. Look for the following 3D shapes: cube (e.g., a paver), rectangular prism (e.g., a rectangular brick), cylinder (e.g., a planter), and sphere (e.g., a ball).

For some inspiration,

Read Aloud

Staying with the theme of shapes, The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns


* The focus for today: Descriptive Words (Preparation for adjectives)

Pick one of the shapes that you found and draw a picture with detailed descriptive clues about it so that other people could figure out what shape you are describing, where you found it, etc.


* Phonics: Flash Cards

Make a flash card for each -ea word family member: eat, beat, seat, treat, neat, wheat, meal, seal, deal and steal.

Be sure to neatly write the word and then next to it draw and color a picture of the word. On Friday, put these words all together (paper clip, rubber band, etc) and put them in your home-school folder as you will need them to put into your WOW notebook. (These are review words; we are using them as practice doing the assignment and not learning the vowel team!)

Assignment: Send me a picture of your words.

Raz Kids: I sent each of you your username and your password. If you can't find it, don't remember it then just email me and I will send it to you.


* Keyboarding: We will focus on keyboarding.

April 03, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 03, 2020

Good Morning,

Oh my -- it's Friday already! Would you say "Hooray" or "No Way!" I am glad that it will be the weekend, because it will give me time to do some fun and some chores blend. What will you do as you see the weekend through? I know someone else who might be looking forward to the weekend...especially Sunday!

Happy Birthday Kayleb!!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Rhyming

Same vowel sound and same ending sound; often spelled alike but not always.

Friday - say -- Hooray -- No Way weekend -- blend do -- through


* The focus for today: Telling time

A fun story is Cluck o'clock by Kes Gray

Start off with practicing telling time with either of these interactive sites

A good review for telling time is the video

Read Aloud

So for today, I am sharing with you Rita Moreno reading Amanda Noll's I Need My Monster

The answer to yesterday's riddle is (wait for it...) pit-iful!


Journaling -- How are you?

Take some time to think about how you are feeling? What do you think is making you feel like this? I'd love to know, so if your tall person says it is ok, feel free to let me know how you are doing as we start April!


* Sequence: Time order helps put the story in order from what happens first to last:

* Comprehension: Retell

Read through Giraffe's Can't Dance so that you will be able to participate in the review of a five finger retell.

Now it's your turn to do one on our great read I Need My Monster.

April 02, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 02, 2020

Good Morning,

I hope that the start of the month of April is going well for you. I've been really impressed with how hard you have been working on the different skills. I'm sure that you've been putting into place all of the skills that we've been working on over this year! You are doing a great job - keep it up!

Happy Birthday Christina!!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Contractions

I've: I have you have: you've

I'm: I am you are: you're

Let's: Let us


* The focus for today: Graphs

Michelle M reads Stuart J. Murphy's Tally O'Malley

Start off with practicing building a monthly calenar with this interactive site

Then, try applying this skill by using a tally chart to complete the graph.

As an additional practice for reading tally mars and then use it to make calculations:

A fun resource is the great tune "Tally Marks Song"

Read Aloud

The Great Read that I am doing with you today is;Tell Me What it's Like to be Big

our mood this story is a good reminder of the value of what we have and what we can do. Andrew Conlan reads his book

The answer to yesterday's riddle is a banana splat! Tee Hee Hee!


Mechanics -- Another component of writing is spelling. This activity will give you the opportunity of practicing your spellling using the correct blends.


* Comprehension: Main Idea

* Details: Use details about your interests, likes/dislikes, hobbies, family, etc to write an acrostic poem about YOU.

This should give a good overview that can be used as a model:

Now, give it a try!

** Assignment Please send me your acrostic poem about yourself. I have to tell you just how much I have been looking forward to this assignment, as reading about you really is so interesting! Remember that an illustration can be a part of the whole process of producing a piece. Have fun!

April 01, 2020

Morning Message to the class

April 01, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy April! Today we are starting a brand new month, and with that we have so many exciting things available -- new stories, different ways to practice skills and hopefully nice weather (but then again, there is the expression that April showers bring May flowers!).

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Expressions

An epression is often a well known way of something. It expresses thoughts, ideas or feelings but it is not literal. It's not really a shower like in a bathroom but rain. What does it mean that the showers are bringing the flowers?

Morning Meeting

Since it is a new month, I thought I'd share something new with all of you. This teacher covers the same things that we do in our Morning Meeting, in her own way. We also include our Morning Message as a part of the Morning Meeting. Every teacher does it differntly, but this is a nice reminder of what we do.


* The focus for today: Calendar

Start off with practicing building a monthly calenar with this interactive site

Then, try applying this skill by scheduling ten activities on a monthly calendar.

As an additional resource for organizing data (a review from yesterday), "The Great Graph Contest" is a great read:

Read Aloud

Okay, it's a brand new month so I am trying something new...I have a great read for you that I "brought in from my home". Click on the link to hear the story It Came from the Swamp (Let me tell you ahead of time, making/publishing videos is something new for me so there are a bit of kinks that still need to be worked out; it seemed to take a long time to load when I tried it at home to test it out, so my feelings won't be hurt if you by pass it)

Also, in the spirit of April being National Humor month, at the end of my read aloud I have a riddle for you. If you'd like, please share with me your answer:

A silly story that is rather time specific, Teresa Bateman's April Foolishness.


Mechanics -- This activity offers an interactive approach for building sentences with the correct sentence structure.


* Comprehension: Cause and Effect (Today is a wonderful time to realize that what we do -- cause-- can effect others...make it a wonderful effect on others!)

* Details: Use the details in the pictures to fix up these silly pictures.

Social Studies

* Amerian Symbols: U.S. Symbols Matching Game:

When you are finished, I would love to know how you did. If the tall person in your house allows you to do this, please send me your best score. To do this,

1. Click on the fourth icon (the last one in the line) to copy your best score.

2. Go to email and paste it in.

** Remember to put in your name as well

*** If you play the game more than once and youir score improves, you can send me more than one email. I will just keep record of your best score. Don't worry about this, I just want ot celebrate your efforts.

March 31, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 31, 2020

Good Morning,

Today we are getting ready to finish up the month of March so that tomorrow we can begin a new month. Do you know the name of the next month? Some people like do like to sing the Months of the year song, and some people don't like to sing. Which one are you? Just in case you want to have a family sing along:

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Opposites.

finish/begin; do/don't


When we were in school the week before last, we were working on seeing how fractions are just a way of seeing equal parts of a whole shape.

* The focus for today: Graphing

The bar graph is a way of organizing information into a chart that uses equal rectangles to make lines of how much is represented.

The video that goes along with it

Then, try playing some games on favorite things. You don't have to play all of the games, but I am hoping that there are enough different choices that you can choose somethings that you like as the basis for your graphing. Hint: It is easier to play if you choose the option to see all of the questions at once.

Now that you have practiced it, try making some graphs with the game Fuzz Bugs!

Read Aloud

Arianna Candell's book Mind Your Manners in School is a fun way to remember just how fabulous we are, whether we are learning in Room 17 or at home!


I know that you have a lot of great ideas in your head. Thinking about the month of March, practice writing some sentences about the month of March. You will be given a word and you are to use the word given in your sentence and try to stay on the topic of March (but you can make them fun).


* Sight Words: Playing teh game "Cloudy Day", practice some common words. You can either do short vowels, long vowels or a combination of both. We have covered both long and short vowels so you may select from any of the three options!

* Comprehension: Suggestive Sensory Poems

What It Is: A sensory poem, or five-senses poem, describes how a poet perceives what something looks like, tastes like, smells like, feels like, and sounds like. It does not need to rhyme.

What To Do: Review the five senses with your child and introduce the concept of a sensory poem -- information for the poem is gathered from each of your five senses. Write the following poem starter on a piece of paper:

I see _____________________________.

I taste ___________________________.

I smell ___________________________.

I feel _____________________________.

I hear ____________________________.

Then take a walk around, if you have had a garden then try taking this outside to where you plant, encouraging your child to look for one particular thing they can describe in their poems. Remember that the poem must address all five senses, including taste, so you might want to stay close to the kitchen. As an add-on, have them use it to describe their favorite meal and then they can help to make it.


* Plants and Animals: Last week, we covered interesting facts about where different animals tend to live and the same being true with plants.

Here is a video about plants

Now, try playing this game on plant and animal differences

March 30, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 30, 2020

Good Morning,

I am so excited as we begin this new week! Today we will begin going over some different data collections -- just a fancy way of saying graphing. Sometimes it is fun to try doing something different, like talking "fancy". Maybe today, you will want to begin doing something a little different, but still a lot of fun.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Math Representations.

Representing numbers in different formats. Using the date:

Words: March thirtieth two thousand twenty

Numbers: 03-30-20

Symbols: 000-lll-ll (Circles represent ones place, lines represent groups of ten)

Money: 3 pennies, a quarter and a nickel, 2 dimes


When we were in school the week before last, we were working on fractional pieces. Go back over the numerator (top number) over the denominator (the - down - bottom number)

* The focus for today: Graphing

This overview video breaks down how to recognize equal parts of shapes to make fractions more understandable for early learners.

The video that goes along with it

Then, try playing a game of making and then interpreting pictographs

As an additional resource, try taking some data and using it to make and represent some graphs based upon some given information.

Read Aloud

First grade is a little different right now, but don't forget all the wonderful things it has!.


Remember that writing is taking sharing the information (facts, stories, opinions) that is in your head with other people through a written format. To get you started on sharing thoughts that make sense, play MatchIt Sentences.


* Phonics: Vowel teams

Looking at the letter teams of oo and oa.

Now try some vowel team spellings:

* Comprehension: Poetry Voices


Students need practice with fluency all the time, but having them recite the same lines of text over and over loses its flare and meaning. Why not try poetry voices. With this simple activity, have your child read the superhero poem below three times; each time using a "different voice". Try: silly, sleepy, peppy, funny, happy, silly, scared, stretched get the point. Each time they read the poem in a different voice, their fluency improves...and they are having fun! This activity can also lend itself to a good discussion on choosing the right voice to convey the mood of the poem.

Have your child practice using different voices and expressions while reading this poem on Opposites Attract. It helps convey mood and improved fluency.

Batman Joker

I am Batman. I am the Joker.

I am a Hero. I am a villain.

I have secrets. I have secrets.

Every day I fight crime caused by the Joker. Everyday I make poor choices which are solved by Batman.

We are total opposites. We are total opposites.

I am humble. I crave attention.

People admire me for my work. People don't admire me for my work.

I have a loyal sidekick! I wish I had a sidekick.

Without the Joker... Without Batman...



* Internet Safety: I know that there has been a lot of time using technology to work on skills, so it is important to remember how to be safe and responsible while on line. Watch the video on being a good digital citizen. Then there are some resources below that for the family to do together.

March 27, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 27, 2020

Good Morning,

Today we are finishing up the last full week of March. Time flies when you are having fun! I hope that you are having fun!! Do you think that the month is going out like a "lamb" (Remember we talked about the expression of coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb)? Either way, I hope that you are being As Good As Gold for your family!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Expressions.


Telling Time to the hour:

We will finish the week up with some elapsed time. The following video offers an explanation as to how to figure out time in the future and time that has already past.

Now that you have had some time to practice telling time on an analog clock, here's a fun challenge game with elapsed time:

Read Aloud

Chris Pine reads Bruce Hale's Clark the Shark.

Also, here is a non-fiction read aloud on Sharks: Fly Guy Presents Sharks, read by Mommy


Using a T chart on sharks, compare/contrast the fiction and the non-fiction elements on the same topic.


* Comprehension: An interactive story that allows you to direct the direction of the story. If you don't like the story, instead ofjust abandoning the story (which is fine to do once you've given it a try), you can adjust the direction of the story. This also gives you the opportunity of comparing and contrasting the different story directions. An added bonus is the opportunity to do some word work in context.

March 26, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 26, 2020

Good Morning,

We have been hearing almost for the whole week that we are due for some nice weather this week. It has gotten better as the week has been going along, let's hope that continues. I know that we need the rain, but I am happy to see the sunshine.

Happy Birthday Laiylah!!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Long vowel sounds.

Open syllables: we; vowel-consonant-e: whole, time, nice; vowel teams: week, need, rain.


We are making a slight switch in our work with circles to working with tellling time. It is still a fractional piece of a circle, but the focus is no longer on parts of the whole but rather what information are you getting out of the fractional pieces. We are practicing telling time to the hour, quarter past/quarter of, and half past.

* The focus for today: Telling Time!

Move the hands of the clock to the time shown. [Includes :15, :30, and :45 increments at the basic level].

Now, practice setting the time on the clocks by selecting a type of clock and then dragging the hands of the analogue clock

As an additional resource:

This video provides a good review of the information that we covered during our last week in Hoyle.

Read Aloud

Rami Malek is reading the wonderful book The Empty Pot by Demi


Identify the four diferent types of sentences and have the studnts produce one of each..


* Vocabulary: Martha Speaks! This interactive game provides words in a word in context and gives a definition for the word. Your child will then have to apply the definition to something that they have to do in order to show that they understand the word and definition. Application is a good authentic approach to use in developing vocabulary.

* Comprehension: Main Idea

This book is filled with some wonderful lessons. Make a T-Chart that has the Lesson Learned on one side and on the other plase list the supporting details.

March 25, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 25, 2020

Good Morning,

The weather forecast is for us to start getting some nice weather, I just wonder when that might be. I am hoping that you are finding some time to go out into your own yard with your family and have some fun together. Even those these are different times, I think that it is still important to keep doing as many things as you would usually do.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: silent "e".

v-c-e: n-i-c-e; t-i-m-e; th-o-s-e; th-e-s-e


When we were in school the week before last, we were working on seeing how fractions are just a way of seeing equal parts of a whole shape.

* The focus for today: Fractions

This overview video breaks down how to recognize equal parts of shapes to make fractions more understandable for early learners.

Start off with the story Give Me Half! by Stuart J. Murphy

Then, try practicing the skills for equal parts

As an additional resource, "My Dog Fraction" is a fun song:

Read Aloud

Mindy Sterling is reading Michelle Knudsen's Library Lion.


Alliteration -- This is a super fun activity to do, as kids really like to try saying the sentences.

1. Write the title, Library Lion, on chart paper. Ask the students to read the title. What do they notice

about the sound of the title?

2. Circle the beginning letters in each word. Have students say the sound when you point to the letter.

This is an example of alliteration.

3. Write She sells sea shells at the seashore on chart paper and have your child read it.

Circle the s in each word and repeat the sound.

Alliteration is a fancy name for a tongue twister.


Present the following alliteration examples and then circle the alliteration words in each:

Beautiful Betty buys blueberry pies at the bakery.

The skunk stunk sitting on a stump.

Doug danced with the dog on the dock.


* Comprehension: Have a discussion about the library rules found in the book. Ask:

Did the rules make sense?

Should the lion have broken them?

What rules do we have in our school library?

Create a rule that you think is important during this time of different learning. (Make the rules POSITIVE rules, rather than what NOT to do).

Have students choose a rule to illustrate.

* Sight Words: This is a review of some of the sight words that we have completed over the year. It is organized into different levels.

Social Studies

* All Around Me Collection: A quick song about how we are all somewhere in the world.

Then, follow up with a game about how we can make something for where we are.

March 24, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 24, 2020

Good Morning,

I know that it has now been a week since you have started working with your family at home on the things that we have been doing in Room 17. I also know that you are super smart and can do it -- I believe in you!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: suffix.

base word + suffix ending = new word; work + ing = working start = ed = started0



When we were in school the week before last, we were working on seeing how fractions are just a way of seeing equal parts of a whole shape.

* The focus for today: Fractions

This overview video breaks down how to recognize equal parts of shapes to make fractions more understandable for early learners.

The video that goes along with it

Then, try playing the game for equal parts

As an additional resource, if you are looking for a fun game that can be played anywhere (just in case the weather does get nice later today), try Fraction War.

Your kids probably already know how to play War with cards. This version just adds a fraction aspect. Students deal two cards, a numerator and denominator, then determine whose fraction is the largest. The winner keeps all four cards, and play continues until the cards are gone.

Read Aloud

John Burningham's book Avocado Baby.


Write a descriptive paragraph about what the best thing to eat is and tell why it is the best. Be sure to juse your sensory words (ie, you would use such words as juicy, orange, sweet, round, cool -- it's an orange)


* Sight Words: This is a collection of sight words games that will give your child some opportunities to practice their sight words in the hopes of building . I would recommend using a mix of recently introduced words and some older words for review.


* Plants and Animals: As we begin to move towards learning about where plants and animals as well as other interesting facts. Different animals tend to live in different habitats that suit their characteristics, this is the same with plants, which thrive in an environment that suits them

March 23, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 23, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy Monday!! How was your first weekend of spring 2020? I know that it did not always feel like spring as it was chilly, but the weather forecaster has said that warmer days are coming soon.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Capitalization.

Always capitalize: the first word in a sentence -- Good (morning), Happy (Monday); names -- Monday, March and Conway; and the word I (that is another way of referring to you and since you are important you deserve to have a capital letter represent you!)


When we were in school the week before last, we were working on fractional pieces. Go back over the numerator (top number) over the denominator (the - down - bottom number)

* The focus for today: Fractions

This overview video breaks down how to recognize equal parts of shapes to make fractions more understandable for early learners.

The video that goes along with it:

Then, try playing the game for identifying fractions of

As an additional resource, if you are looking to create a visual with your child, try paper plate fractions

Read Aloud

Chris O'Dowd reads Laurie Keller's book Arnie the Doughnut.


Based upon our read aloud, create a list of the characters in the book in order of importance. Encourage your cild to discuss/debate the importance level of the characters. Remind them that: we learn about characters by what they do, what they say, and what others say about them. .


* Vocabulary: Words in context

* Phonics: Segmenting words into sound-symbol pieces

Heres a super-fun spelling activity that can be played inside or outside. What could be better?

This will give your child some quick -thinking mental spelling practice with the first fun game called, "Hands Up!"

Hands Up!

1. First, divide the family into two teams (this can be parent vs child - teams of 1:1 work).

2. Call out the first 3 letters of a word. When someone knows how to complete a word that begins with those 3 letters, he raises his hand.

3. Ask him to finish spelling one word. If his answer is correct, then they get the point; if they do not get it, then the other team gets a chance to spell the word.

4. Write the correct answers on the board as they are spelled. Give the team one point for each correctly completed word.

5. At the end of the game period, the team with the most points is the winning team.

You can also play this while outside or on a car trip. Keep a pad of paper handy to record words and points.

Example: The "teacher" calls out B-R-I.

First team: N - G (bring) This team scores a point.

Second team: M (brim) This team scores a point.

First team: C - K (brick) This team scores a point.

Second team: G -H - T (bright) This team scores a point.

First team: L - K (brilk) - incorrect. This can be when you start a new group of letters

* Comprehension: Characterization

Discuss the relationship between Amie and Mr. Bing using the information that the class recorded for characterization. Make a list of the ways that Arnie and Mr. Bing are good friends to each other. Then, have students create their own pet doughnuts.


* Internet Safety: Watch the video on how technology makes you feel. A goal is to know that it's important to llisten to your feelings when using technology.

March 20, 2020

Scheduling Sample

Candidly, trying to figure out how to schedule this time with your child can be a difficult part to navigate. Khan Academy has offered a sample schedule for you to use during your at home learning and enrichment time:

Morning Message to the class

March 20, 2020

Good Morning,

Wow! Can you believe it that it is Friday already? I am surprised at first, but then I remember all of the great things that I did with my family to make the "time fly". I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and you also do some more wonderful things with your family.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Punctuation.

What are the (three) different pieces of end punctuation that I used?

What purpose does each piece do?


I have made a classroom account for Khan Academy, Room 17 Community. I am setting it up for you to be able to create your own account, if you choose to do so. I didn't want to presume that you wanted this brought into your home, so that's why I selected this format for signing up.

Here's the link to sign up if you desire: The other option for joining (this is not pressure to do so, just another venue to do so only if you want!): Visit

enter our class code FDWGWPSP.

Read Aloud

Jarrett J. Kroxoczka presents Peanut Butter and Jellyfish.


Using the game from the Susan Tan video, , talk about your character inspiration.


* Comprehension: Retell

Provide a five finger retell of the mentor text to someone in the family. In case you are feeling a little unsure of this, this video overview might help:

March 19, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 19, 2020

Good Morning,

Remember that I have shared with the class that sometimes we have to do something that might be hard, but not what we can't do? Well, yesterday I had to face was my daughter's birthday, but there was not nearly enough vanilla ice cream and we couldn't go to Target to get more :-)

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Mood.

I was "being silly" in the message to point out that a message can convey a feeling with how it is presented. My daughter's birthday was fun, despite not enough ice cream.


Here's the link to a workbook from Origo Education that can be printed if you desire. The book covers grades K through two, so there is easier work if your child is struggling as well as more challenging work.

* The focus for today: Ten Facts!

Try "Bridge to Ten Game Board". Remember the video from yeserday that goes along with it:

Then, try playing the game "Take or Tally Game Board" (A number cube is just another way of saying a die). Just

As an additional resource:

Math videos that provide background information of the learning completed, usually in 1-2 minute episodes

Read Aloud

Matt Buckingham's book The Bravest Fish.


Play the "Scribble Game". Write/Tell a descriptive sentence about what the "scribble" turns out to be.

The author/illustrator gives a tutorial on how to play the game,


* Phonics: Review of short vowels

Using the first grade level, click on the first link for Reviewing short vowels. You may play any of the games provided.

* Comprehension: Main Idea

Using the skills on descriptions that are formed from details, try this work on Main Idea being determined by the supporting details:

March 18, 2020

Morning Message to the class

March 18, 2020

Good Morning,

How are you doing? I thought that since it was going to be around 50 degrees yesterday, it would be warmer and I would be able to get outside in my yard more than I did. The rain seemed to make it feel cooler, so I ended up being inside more. Oh well, I got to do some extra reading in a favorite spot!

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: Doubling/halves.

Which numbers in the morning message are even and which are odd (think of the date in all numbers);

What numbers are doubled to get the even numbers (9+9=18; 10+10=20; 25+25=50)


Here's the link to a workbook from Origo Education that can be printed if you desire. The book covers grades K through two, so there is easier work if your child is struggling as well as more challenging work.

* The focus for today: Ten Facts!

Try "Making a Ten to Add Basic Facts". Remember that we have practiced it using red and yellow crayons. There is a video that goes along with it:

Then, try playing the game "First to Forty Game" (A number cube is just another way of saying a die). Anything can be used as counters

As an additional resource:

Math videos that provide background information of the learning completed, usually in 1-2 minute episodes

Read Aloud

Nidhi Chanani, an author and illustrator of many different books is going to read her bilingual book Shubh Raatri Dost or Good Night Friend.


Based upon our read aloud, pick a character (person or animal) and make an illlustration of that character, using information from the menor text.

The author/illustrator gives a tutorial on how draw a character.


* Phonics: Rhyming con't

Using the rhyming word list that you created yesterday, write out the words in red vowels/blue consonants

* Comprehension: Characterization

Pick a character from the mentor text and come up with five to ten descriptors of the character from either the text or from the illustrations.

March 17, 2020

Hi Room 17 Community,

The following are some enrichment activities that can be done over the course of the day. Some of them may be easy and some of them may be a bit more tricky. Don't worry about it either way, just as long as everyone gives it a try and has some fun learning. It is very important that bothare done. I know that can happen, I believe in the entire community.

Morning Message to the class

March 17, 2020

Good Morning,

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Even though the Leprechauns like to play tricks, especially on this day, I'm not going to. Instead, I do have some great learning activities for you.

Let's get our good day started,

Mr. Conway

* Teaching point: The apostrophe.

If you can take the apostrophe and s off and it's still a word then it shows possession (Patrick's);

If you can stretch the word with the apostrophe out to make two words, then it is a contraction (I'm, Let's).


Here's the link to a workbook from Origo Education that can be printed if you desire. The book covers grades K through two, so there is easier work if your child is struggling as well as more challenging work.

* The focus for today: Doubling!

Try "Doubing Numbers Less than Ten". Remember what I have instructed you about symmetry. There is a video that goes along with it:

Then, try playing the game "Using the Double Add 1 Strategy" (though you will need to modify a regular die with stickers to have the numbers or dots for 7, 8, 9.

As an additional resource:

Math videos that provide background information of the learning completed, usually in 1-2 minute episodes

Read Aloud

Grace Lin, an author and illustrator of many different books. She is going to read Ling and Ting, Not Exactly the Same.


Based upon our read aloud, write one way that Ling and Ting are the same and one way that they are different. Be sure to make an illustration to go along with your writing.


* Phonics: Rhyming

Come up with ten different rhyming words (Ling and Ting; Cat and Bat; Door and Floor).

* Comprehension: Cause and Effect

What caused Ling and Ting to look different?

When this happened, what effect did it have on the twins?


* Internet Safety: Pause and Think when you are on line: Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be Respectful on line.