Upcoming Events


Our school is hosting a Walk-A-Thon to support breast cancer awareness on Friday October 25. Kindergarten's team color is blue. Please help your child dress in as much blue as possible on this day while keeping in mind that we will be outside and doing lots of walking :)

4TownFarm Field Trip!

On Tuesday October 15, Kindergarten will be taking a field trip to 4TownFarm to learn about harvesting vegetables, how carrots are picked, cleaned and bagged, go on a tractor ride, and pick a pumpkin to bring home! Please dress your child in layers with sneakers or boots on their feet! We will be eating lunch at school upon returning at 12:10. A normal afternoon will follow.

On Friday September 27, we will be having "Friendship Friday" in our classroom! Below is a copy of our letter home:

Friendship Friday

Dear classroom families,

Friday, September 27 is FRIENDSHIP FRIDAY in our classroom! We'll be doing some fun activities to get to know each other better and enjoying a snack too.

Your child is encouraged to bring an item that is special to him/her to school on Friday to share with our class.

I would also like your child to bring his/her favorite snack item in the attached baggie. We'll mix everyone's favorite snacks together to make the ultimate friendship snack mix! Some snacks we'd like are raisins, chocolate chips, cereal, crackers, pretzels, and popcorn. If you do not want your child to participate, please send a healthy snack as usual.

Thanks for helping to make our day special!