Wednesday June 17th, 2020

Daily Agenda:

1. Morning Message

2. Reading & Phonics

3. Math

4. Science

5. Specialists & SAC

Morning Message

Good Morning!

Wow! What a TREAT it was to see most of you yesterday! It was the best gift EVER! I love you all so very much and am so grateful that I get to be your teacher! I hope to be able to hug you all soon! See you tomorrow for our popsicle celebration!


Mrs. Crear

Phonics & Reading

Choose some more books you're interested in listening to! Enjoy!

For any students who see Mrs. Blaser, please click on Mrs. Blaser Title 1 below.


Choose your own math learning experience! Listed in the math blaster link are a ton of fun games! Choose at least one


Pick at least one game to play! Then, go outside and draw something you see in nature.


Please click on each button below to link directly the the Specialists' or School Adjustment Counselor's Google Site.