SPS Tech Ninjas

The Tech Ninja program began in 2014 at SHS. The ninjas work with the Technology Director Mrs. Mackey-Knowles and the SHS Library/Digital Learning specialist, Ms. Wilbur. Their main purpose is to support the tech department during the school year while learning valuable skills. These skills help them with tech jobs on campus in college and often help them narrow down their focus for post HS plans. The students also pair up with the on-campus senior center for projects to help our senior citizens learn technology through small group appointments. The students are often found fixing a screen, setting up new devices, working with Stephen Silbert on Google and Apple projects or working with Vlad Akim in a network closet troubleshooting.

Tech Ninjas Video by Tech Ninja Daniel Miretsky, 2022

If you have a student interested in Technology, please direct them to their high school guidance counselor to see if they are the able to get into the tech ninja program. There are some basic requirements- hard work, love of technology, and being curious about how things work, and the ability to work independently with little adult supervision, while staying on task. Students must be detail oriented and be very patient and kind and able to Google things to figure it out if they do not know what is wrong.

Don't Drop your Device!

The Drive Up Process