School Counseling Lessons

As school counselors, we use data to inform decisions about what interventions are needed at all levels. There is no set curriculum for whole school counseling so we are able to adapt our needs as needed. Typically, every classroom has a 30 minute (Kinder) or 45 minute (1st-5th) lesson once a month. Occasionally, the counselor is available to come in and do an extra lesson or a mini lesson to support students as problems or challenges arise. 

Kids love when they have the counselor in as a guest teacher and we hope you enjoy family conversations at home when your student shares what they learned in counseling!

Conflict Management

We have been teaching Conflict Management at Niwot Elementary using Kelso's Choice, a research-based program for over 4 years - maybe longer! There are two curriculums which are developmentally appropriate for K-3 and 4-5.  Kelso's Choices helps students understand the difference between BIG and small problems (or for older kids, Serious and Minor problems). BIG and Serious problems always require that we get an adult to help because they concern safety (threatening, aggression (physical or verbal), bullying). Small or Minor problems are ones students are "smart enough and strong enough to handle". Small problems include teasing, name calling, cutting in line, not sharing, etc. Adults are always available to help students when they have already tried two Kelso's Choices for a small or minor problem. According to Love and Logic we do want to "lovingly hand the problem back to the child". So we help them with options but allow them the power to solve their small problems which helps them build social and emotional competencies - the soft skills that will help them to be successful in their future! The Kelso's Choices are Sharing and Taking Turns (only for K-3), Walk Away, Go to Another Game, Ignore it, Talk it Out, Wait and Cool Off, Apologize, Make a Deal, and Tell Them to Stop. We usually cover this curriculum at the beginning of the year and then reference it throughout the year.

Responsive Classroom Lessons

Other lessons differ from grade-to-grade and year-to-year based on what students need. Some topics that are covered during counseling lessons are friendship, college/career choice and options (age appropriate), and growth mindset. Counseling lessons are very interactive and usually incorporate literacy, writing, art, creativity, reflection, cooperative learning/group work, and appropriate challenge. 

In addition to monthly counseling lessons, teachers facilitate social-emotional learning in the classroom using  In Focus and other resources four times a week for about 10-15 minutes. Teachers provide time for independent reflection and classroom discussion about important skills and concepts that impact learning and development. Some topics covered by In Focus are learning styles, the brain and stress, bullying, and many other important topics. If you have more questions about what the In Focus lessons look like in your child's classroom, please talk with their classroom teacher. Counselors and teachers work together to support social-emotional development for all students in the classroom including those who are struggling with these skills.