
Uriel A. Martinez

I'm Uriel and I'm a senior at skyline. I personally like to spend my time with my friends and family. But when I'm not doing that I like to spend my free time playing games or just reading and modeling. Since I'll be graduating this year I have to have some plans for next year. And so I do! One of the first things I planned out was to take my basic classes at a community college called Front Range. My sister went here previously and now I will also be attending it. Once I've taken my basic classes there I'll be transferring over to CU to work on my main focus- engineering. My main focus will be programming but, since it's one of the things I enjoy a lot, I'll also take some courses in game design and programming.


A project was a project based in computer science in which we program a software by hand to recognize and inform the user about the disposal method of a product such as a milk carton or a wrapper based on its bar code. I contributed to this project by planning and helping program as I had experience with the software we were using to program. We learned a great deal. We figured out how to program using a software called thunkable, we also know how to use the components of a device within this software to allow us to make apps that interact with the hardware in more ways than one.