Learning Design


LD Frameworks.docx

List of learning design frameworks and toolkits

Open University resources

The Learning Hack Podcast (41 mins) with John Helmer. 'In an age when people who do his job are more often called learning designers or learning experience designers, how relevant is the history of instructional design to challenges we face today?'


Clark, R. C. and Meyer, R. E. (2016) 'e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia'. Wiley.

Rollett, S. (2020) 'Ice Ice Baby: curriculum beneath the surface'. In Writing About Education & Magical Umbrellas. Available at: https://stephenrollett.com/2020/02/24/ice-ice-baby-curriculum-beneath-the-surface/ (curriculum design & LCT)

Salmon, G. (2014) E-tivities: the key to active online learning. Routledge. (Chapter 2 free to download here)

Wood, G., & Gibbs, B. (2019) 'Students as partners in the design and practice of engineering education.' Available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14oK5gd5Sqi3EyPEEMwgN8rt7pCd5M6Hb/view