
This website was created by Sue Robbins, Senior Lecturer in SCLS, SFHEA

SCLS on Twitter

SCLS on Vimeo

(click to view)

SCLS Bulletin

Language Pedagogy, Principles & Practice

A brief bulletin of recent SCLS activity, to share and disseminate information on research and teaching-related activities carried out by our staff and students to Sussex and wider communities; and to encourage reflection on broader issues to do with language, pedagogy, and culture by staff and students within SCLS.


ALDinHE Association for Learning Development in HE

Chartered Institute of Linguists

EATAW - the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing is an academic association supporting scholarly activity in academic writing.

QAA - the UK's independent body safeguarding quality and standards in higher education QAA subject benchmark statements

UKALTA - language testing association


EAP Essentials - Olwyn Alexander (the practice end of the theory-practice nexus and designed to complement the teacher handbook EAP Essentials).

The Effortful Educator - applying cognitive psychology to the classroom

The Language Scholar, Univeristy of Leeds

The Learning Scientists - cognitive psychological scientists interested in research on education

LSE Impact Blog

Rattus Scholasticus - Helen Webster

The SoTL Guide blog - Uni Calgary, Taylor Institute for Teaching & Learning

Teaching EAP: Polemical. Questioning, debating and exploring issues in EAP - Alex Ding

The TEAPing Point:explorations in EAP - Steve Kirk

TEAP Online Reading Circle - David Munn

USSbriefs - papers written by university staff and students, for university staff and students


Malcolm Tight (2018) 'Higher education journals: their characteristics and contribution'. Higher Education Research & Development, 37:3, 607-619, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2017.1389858 (click on the table in the middle)

Humanities Commons - nonprofit network where humanities scholars can create a professional profile, discuss common interests, develop new publications, and share their work.

**aims to publish accounts of scholarly practice that report on small-scale practitioner research and case studies of practice that involve reflection, critique, implications for future practice and are informed by relevant literature, with a focus on enhancement of student learning. Good place to share your work on delivering teaching and learning.

*aimed at promoting and sustaining a research culture amongst practitioners in higher education who have an interest in the development of the HE student experience. Good place to share your work on delivering teaching and learning.

Twitter chats

(pdf about what a tweet chat is)

  • LangChat (@langchatPLN) free professional development for world language teachers | THURSDAY 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT |

  • Learning & Teaching in Higher Education LTHE tweetchat (@LTHEchat) Wednesdays 8.00 - 9.00pm UK time

  • Learning Scientists twitter chat #LrnSciChat (next chat - 30 Jan 8.00pm (UK time)

(also chat to other EAPers via #EAPchat )