Welcome to the SCLS CPD site

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Our CPD events this year will be focused on getting together colleagues who would like to enhance their professional standing by making an application to a professional recognition scheme and those who have already achieved recognition to create discussion/reading groups for mutual support and encouragement/mentoring.

Both the HEA Fellowship scheme and the BALEAP TEAP scheme are based on the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF), a nationally-recognised framework for benchmarking success within HE teaching and learning support, which can be applied to personal development programmes at individual or institutional level to improve teaching quality. The HEA manage and lead the development of the UKPSF.

The UKPSF provides a general description of the main dimensions of the roles of teaching and supporting learning within the HE environment. It is written from the perspective of the practitioner and outlines a national framework for comprehensively recognising and benchmarking teaching and learning support roles within higher education.

The UKPSF is useful for:

        • identifying what skills you need to develop to enhance your practice and progress your career
        • applying for HEA Fellowship - an internationally valued badge of professional recognition

The Framework has two main components: four Descriptors and three Dimensions (see image below).

The Descriptors

are a set of statements outlining the key characteristics of someone performing four broad categories of typical teaching and learning support roles within Higher Education. Each of the four descriptors set out specific criteria.

Descriptor 1 (Associate Fellow) is intended to relate to staff whose role in teaching and/or supporting learning is focused on at least two, but not all, of the Areas of Activity (see below). They would also be expected to possess the appropriate Core Knowledge and be committed to appropriate Professional Values. Perhaps also, they might undertake their role with the assistance of more experienced teachers or mentors. Each Descriptor is accompanied by suggestions for typical job roles covered by that descriptor.

Descriptor 2 (Fellow) is intended to relate to staff with a more substantive teaching and supporting learning role(s) covering all of the Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values (see below)..

Descriptor 3 (Senior Fellow) builds on Descriptor 2, and brings in a strong educational leadership (which may not necessarily be managerial) dimension.

Descriptor 4 (Principal Fellow) relates to those with a sustained record of effective strategic leadership in academic practice and academic development as a key contribution to high quality student learning.

The UKPSF outlines the Dimensions of Professional Practice within HE teaching and learning support as:

  • areas of activity undertaken by teachers and support staff
  • core knowledge needed to carry out those activities at the appropriate level
  • professional values that individuals performing these activities should exemplify

Not sure which scheme, or which level might suit you?

  1. Have a look at this document which offers a comparison of BALEAP vs HEA
  2. Use the Advance HE Fellowship Category Tool to help you work out if you have the experience required to be able to evidence the descriptor at each level of HEA Fellowship
  3. Use the TEAP pathway quiz to help you work out if you have the experience required to be able to evidence the descriptor at each level of TEAP Fellowship
  4. Look at the FAQs from Advance HE
UKPSF grid - Race.docx


Look at this summary document that Phil Race & Sally Brown have put together with the requirements of each HEA Fellowship level (also available here)

(click on arrow in corner to view)


Which level of fellow? It's not a heirarchy... Each of the four types of fellowship are standalone awards that just indicate your role within teaching and learning within the institution.

Professional Recognition Schemes.pptx


at the slides from the Wednesday CPD meeting on 16 October 2019 to present the HEA scheme

(click on arrow in corner to view)