Intercultural communication


University of Warwick - Global Education Profiler; Working in Diverse Groups; and Spencer-Oatey, H. (2012) What is culture? A compilation of quotations. GlobalPeople Core Concept Compilations. Available at

In their systematic review Luo and Chan focus on qualitative approaches to assess intercultural competence in HE and created a typology to situate qualitative assessment. They conclude that qualitative assessment does not equal robust assessment. Qualitative intercultural competence assessment tends to be heavily ‘writing-based’, calling for more diverse assessment formats

Hilarious video

(click to view)

Office of Global Learning Initiatives, Florida International University podcast Episode 4: Tara Harvey on the Relationship Between Intercultural Learning and Global Learning


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Presentation at 2019 BALEAP conference Leeds on EAP in transnational HE in China. Ricky Jeffrey, Xiucai Lu, David Foster & Jeanne O’Connell