Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day together, Kelsi Lingle and Eva Bitting share a hug.

Engaging in all the Earth Day activities and taking photos for yearbook, Olivia McBreen takes a moment to pause for a picture.

Displaying a table of animal furs, Cali Judy and Courtney Coulter let the kids pet them as they talk more about the furs.

Talking with the kids about Earth Day, Mr. Dorman and his students show off their table of goodies.

Taking a break from all the action, some juniors soak up the sun in the grass.

Looking through pamphlets, the kids learn about the earth from some older students.

Watching all the kids gather, Leah Allewelt describes how bees pollinate flowers.

Showing off his smoke machine, Caleb Morrison gets ready to tackle some bees.

Acting a little goofy, Mr. Shirmer and Miss Gechter take a break with their students.

Cheering on the younger students, Paige Jenkins oversees an Earth Day themed relay race.

Coloring while they wait, Kaylie Speece and Max Eichelberger chat about the activity they’re hosting.

Showing off their coloring skills, Blaise Swancer and Alanah Nickel wait for more students.

Getting the soil ready to plant some seeds, Jonah Morcom sets up his activity. 

Laughing and joking, Courtney Coulter and Cali Judy explain their table to Anada Conley.

Showing off their animals, Derek Gibney and Bryce McKee explain life cycles to the kids.