
Both eyes watching the batter, Ryan Schoppy contemplates his next pitch.

Preparing for a hit to the outfield, Drew Gibney calmly enjoys his time on the field. 

Getting a signal from the coach, Mathias Velasco is informed of the next play. 

As his adrenaline rushes, Parker Gardner watches where his airborne ball will travel!

Stepping up to the plate, Mason Figard places his bat in the hitting position.

Warming up before the scrimmage, Aven Nelson winds up to toss his infield throw.

After a productive inning, Bily Syster and Derek Gibney offer words of congratulations.

Swinging for a dinger, Jon Erdossy waits for the perfect pitch.

With a light flick of the wrist, Lucas Stouffer warms up for seven innings of fun-filled baseball!

Ready to run like the wind, Kale Quigley watches the batter's bat for the opportunity to score. 

With a majestic touch, Jackson Albright catches the ground ball with the eyes of a hawk.

Hoping for a strikeout, Drew Deaven exudes maximum effort in throwing his pitch.