
Preparing to pitch, Chanse Fisher tosses the ball up and down in his hand.

Giving his all in the throw, Austin Crist pitches the ball to the batter.

Celebrating their outfield catch, Jake White and Ryan Schoppy dab each other up.

Watching the other team play, Parker Gardner motivates himself.

Giving a few encouraging words, Coach Andonisio chats with Chanse Fisher and Ryan Schoppy.

Preparing to swing, Chase Fisher looks head on.

Trying to get a good practice play, senior Derek Gibney warms up with his teammates.

Waiting to start, Jon Erdossy, Jake White, and Ryan Schoppy chat with each other.

Getting some practice pitches in, Drew Deaven tosses the ball back and forth with a fellow teammate.

Meeting with the other team, Coach Andonisio and senior Derek Gibney shake hands with the players.

Supporting their teammates, Andrew Bomgardner, Parker Gardner, and Chanse Fisher fist bump each one that comes back.

Standing for our pledge, the players take this moment to clear their mind.

Making sure his catches are on point, Billy Syster gets some warm-up time in.

Stretching as a team, the boys joke around and warm up together.

Sliding onto base, Jon Erdossy makes a crazy play.