Support Innovative Professional Learning with Technology

Goal 2:

Research, encourage and support current and emerging technology-based resources that support educators in producing and implementing high quality, innovative instructional practices to increase the quality of education and equity for students.


Institutions of higher education, educational stakeholder groups, professional organizations, business and industry groups, and local school divisions.

Results (What do we want to accomplish?)

Indicators (What evidence will exist of completion?)

Action (What action will be taken?)

Related Resources 

Resources for Revised SOL

VDOE provides resources and professional development opportunities to support newly adopted Standards of Learning. Teachers can learn about these opportunities through Teacher Direct.

Accountability Terminology Guide

The terminology used in Assessment and Accountability can be confusing. VDOE has gathered a list of frequently used terms, the Accountability Terminology.

Special Education Resources

Although the resources collected by the eight regional Training and Technical Assistance Centers (TTACs) are directed to Special Education teachers, the resources are helpful for all educators. See their extensive list of resources on technology.

Staying Current with Copyright

Staying up-to-date on copyright is difficult because the law changes with new technologies as well as new judicial decisions. An authoritative resource for all educators is the American Library Association (ALA) website.

Social Media and PLNs

One way that teachers can create their own Personal Learning Network (PLN) is through the social media platform Twitter. Teachers can pursue information or skills that they are interested in learning, and connect with others who are like-minded. The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education can help the novice begin to use twitter for their own professional learning. There are many other ways to connect with other educators, such as —Second Life, Pinterest, even Facebook. The Virginia Society for Technology in Education(VSTE) supports a variety of learning communities. The VDOE provides a professional learning network database of Virginia division contacts for specific topics such as Integration of Technology and High School Redesign.