Legal Reference

Special Education Procedural Safeguards: Rights of Parents and Students

Handout available at each IEP that outlines the process, protections and rights for the family in the IEP process.

Parent Rights.Adobe.Acrobat (1).pdf
Transfer of Rights.pdf

Transfer of Rights at age 18

As students reach the age of majority, legal rights transfer to them in the educational setting as well. This article outlines the process and legal implications.


Wisconsin Bar Association - On Turning 18

All the rights and responsibilities that transfer to students on reaching the age of majority

Supported Decision Making in Wisconsin

Another alternative to guardianship is the idea of Supported Decision Making. This process is much less intrusive, flexible and legally recognized.

The Board for People with Developmental Disabilities has more information on the process of creating a supported decision making team and the legal forms needed


A document from the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources with answers to frequently asked questions about guardianship for young adults with severe disabilities


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

A brief summary of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and how it impacts students transitioning from high school

WIOA and Transition Services for Families Final-3-2-17 (1).pdf