Benefits of Cooking with Children


1. Improved Relationships

I once heard that children spell love as ‘T-I-M-E’. I think this is true. Just like we love spending time with our husband or wife, our children like spending time with us.

And the more time we spend together, the better we get along.

Children like spending time with their parents. They love it when they get to learn from their parents and have fun. A great benefit of cooking with kids is that they learn and have fun as well!

2. Fun Learning Opportunities

Children can sharpen their Math and English skills when they cook.

Often cookbooks are made with Imperial or Metric measurements. Depending on where you grew up, you may need to convert the amounts to know what to measure.

Cookbooks also have repetitive wording (e.g. Sift flour and baking powder, Peel carrots and zucchini). This is great reading material for children and it encourages them to read confidently.

3. At-Home Cooking is Healthier than Takeout.

When you cook with your children at home, you promote healthier habits in your family. Most at-home cooking is far healthier as it contains less saturated fat and sugar.

You and your children are more mindful of the ingredients as you measure them out.

Furthermore, you can look up healthy recipes and cook those instead of the unhealthy snacks you usually find in shops, takeout venues, or restaurants.

4. Reduced Preservatives

Have you ever wondered why your homemade bread only tastes good for a day, but your local supermarket’s bread tastes good for much longer? Or why shop-bought berries outlive the ones you grow in your backyard by a couple of days? That’s because it has tons of preservatives.

And one reason is that a lot of takeout food has way too many preservatives.

But, one of the benefits of cooking with kids is that your food will have fewer preservatives. You’ll teach your kids that you value clean, healthier food too.

5. Opportunities for Deeper Discussions

As you spend time doing anything with your children, you’ll notice deeper discussions happen.

A benefit of cooking with children, or teenagers is that there are far more opportunities to have deeper discussions such as:

One of the benefits of cooking with kids is that you will get to know your child better through these conversations. It can also be a wonderful time to teach them about the moral implications of certain actions or coach them on other important subjects.

6. Cooking with Kids Teaches Life Skills

Cooking teaches children important life skills.  It obviously teaches kids how to take care of themselves in the long run, but it can also teach:

As such, baking once a week with your children is a great idea.

7. Children can soon cook for the family

I once heard of a mother with 11 children who said she lived like a queen because she had taught her children to do everything, and now the mother had very few things she needed to do as she had so many wonderful and willing helpers!

We’d all love children like this.

And perhaps this is one of the best benefits of cooking with kids. You can teach them to help you out regularly. Why not give them the responsibility of cooking for the family one night of the week? This will also require them to meal-plan, which is another skill you can teach them.

8. Cooking with Kids Enhances Motor Skills, Concentration, and Control

Neat cooking requires concentration. The younger children are the more concentration that is required.

As children practice the skill of concentration, their motor skills improve and they become better able to conduct fiddly tasks with ease.

9. Encourages Responsibility as Children Clean up after Themselves

We all want responsible children. And one of the benefits of cooking with kids is that you teach them to be responsible.

If they want to cook, they have to make sure they clean up after themselves. And almost all kids want to cook!

10. It Can Be Very tasty!

I used to love going through my moms recipe box, and trying out new ones. My parents were very good about being the lucky recipients to "taste test"

If you teach your children to cook well, you’ll soon be the beneficiary of some wonderful meals.– my parents loved it and I loved the praise!


Conclusion: Benefits of Cooking With Kids

It may take a bit of patience at first, but if you stick with it, and you can hack a few puddles of honey on the floor, you’ll soon have an Iron Chef in the making. A good way to keep things in perspective is to make sure the activity is about having fun with your kids. It’s not about making the perfect cake or lasagna. It’s about growing closer to your kids. Our children are wonderful, and we get the privilege of seeing them grow and learn. We can help them do this by teaching them foundational skills like baking or mixing up a salad. But, there are innumerable benefits of cooking with children so I encourage you to start now! 

Cooking with Kids Builds a Strong Mind and Body

Head Start encourages everyone to learn how to make informed food choices and develop eating and activity habits that support both children and families! In celebration of National Nutrition Month, NHSA invited board-certified pediatrician Dr. Nimali Fernando to share five reasons why cooking with kids is a great investment in the health of the whole child and the whole family.

Helping kids learn to love nutritious food is one of the main ways we can help our children reach their full potential. For parents, the barriers to raising a child that eats a healthy diet may seem overwhelming. Access to affordable food and the time and knowledge to prepare it do not always seem within reach. Cooking with kids is one simple activity that parents can commit to that will make raising a healthy, happy child more fun, and can help a child’s development and confidence, too.

Here are five reasons why cooking with kids is a great investment in the health of the whole child and the whole family:

Want to learn more? Join NHSA, Dr. Fernando, and The Dr. Yum Project team for our next webinar, Parenting Around Food: Concepts to Raise Healthy Kids at Mealtimes and Beyond or visit for more about ways to enjoy cooking with kids, including tons of family-friendly recipes. 

Webinar: Parenting Around Food

Raising a healthy eater can be a challenge. Dr. Nimali and The Dr. Yum Project team (including a pediatrician, dietitian, and early childhood educator) will guide you through parenting principles that will help you raise a happy and healthy eater. These principles can even be used outside of mealtimes to raise resilient, well-adjusted children.