Installation Photo Checklists

The Sunrun Installation Photo Checklist (IPC) is a visual aid for the required photos upon completion of construction.  Each photo requirement on the IPC shows the corresponding Foreperson Installation Checklist (FIC) question language and Quality Audit Scorecard Reference.

For users of the FIC, utilize the example photos directly within the FIC UI.

For non-users of the FIC, utilize the example photos within the IPCs.

The IPC does not serve as install standards, as the IPC only serves as examples of required installation photos and the example photos are also not meant to be all inclusive.  Please reference Sunrun Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for installation standards and best work practices.

Note: While some Sunrun SOPs may indicate which photos are required, you should always defer to the Installation Photo Checklist as the source of truth for the complete set of required photos on any given job.