The kindergarten program will focus on the introduction of technology operations and concepts concerning manipulation of computer hardware (e.g., use of mouse to click, right click, scroll/keyboard functions, etc.) with an introduction to word processing software, and an introduction to web applications through exploration of common internet functions and the study of age appropriate digital citizenship practices. Students will learn to use proper terminology to complete these tasks increasing their vocabulary and knowledge of computer science. All students will demonstrate compliance and understanding of the Sunrise R-IX Acceptable Use Policy and learn to employ online etiquette and safe internet practices.

Make a Pizza

This is Sand

ABCya Keyboarding

Mouse Practice

Chromebook Intro

Teach Your Monster to Read

ABC Mouse and pointer lesson

Picture Dictionary


Mouse Games

What is the shift key?

Picasso Head drawing tool

Bees and Honey

ABCya! Paint

Parts of a Computer Song

Parts of a Computer Story

What is the Internet?