iLearn Framework

SISD Professional Learning Framework

SISD board policy requires all professional instructional faculty to obtain at least 12 hours of professional development each year. Professional growth, ownership and professionalism are vitally important to the development of an educator. To assist teachers in this endeavor, the SISD Professional Learning Framework, iLearn, provides a menu of options for each professional staff member to construct their own learning pathway. Through this learning framework of flexibility, voice, choice, time consideration and leadership opportunities, we hope to provide high-quality professional development that will benefit our classrooms and students.

The Menu

Professional Conference/Workshop/Face to Face

· Full Day; Non-Contract Day – 6 hours / 6 points

· Half Day; Non-Contract Day – 3 hours / 3 points

Region 10 Online Course

· 3 hour course – 3 hours / 3 points

· 2 hour course – 2 hours / 2 points

· 1 hour course – 1 hour / 1 point

Webinars – 1 hour / 1 point

**Length of webinar needs to be at least 30 minutes OR series of webinars combining to total at least 30 minutes.

Podcasts – 1 hour / 1 point

**Length of podcast needs to be at least 30 minutes OR series of podcasts combining to total of at least 30 minutes.

Tech Time with Baskin – 1 hour / 1 point

Conference Period Session - 2 hour / 2 points

District/Campus PD Session - 2 hour / 2 points

· Before or After School Session

Campus Lunch ‘N Learn – 1 hour / 1 point

Professional Article – 30 minute / .5 points

Professional Book (Individual) - 3 hours / 3 points

Professional Book Study (Group of Colleagues)

· Meets Weekly for minimum of 3 weeks – 5 hours / 5 points

· Facilitates a Book Study – 8 hours / 8 points

Facilitating PD Session

  • Full Day - 7 hours / 7 points

  • Half Day - 5 hours / 5 points

  • LNL or Campus Before/After School - 3 hours / 3 points

Classroom Walk & Conference – 1 hour / 1 point

Campus Visit outside of SISD

· Full Day – 6 hours / 6 points

· Half Day – 3 hour / 3 points

Teacher of Distinction

Level Points & Incentives

    • Bronze Level: 13 - 19 Hours Sonic Drink

    • Silver Level: 20 - 29 Hours Gift Bag

    • Gold Level: 30 - 39 Hours Gift Card

    • Platinum Level: 40 - 49 Hours Luncheon

    • Diamond Level: 50+ Hours Luncheon, Gift, School Board Recognition

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. ~Pele

Guidelines for PD Menu

1) Participation in the Teacher of Distinction (TOD) program is from June 7, 2021 to April 29, 2022.

2) The following options must receive ADMIN APPROVAL prior to attending/participating. Submit a request for PD through Strive. It is your responsibility to get prior approval, then enter your PD activity in Strive.

Professional Conference / WorkshopRegion 10 or other online courseWebinarPodcastProfessional ArticleProfessional Book - (Individual)Facilitating a PD sessionClassroom WalkCampus Visit

Campus PD offered during the school year DOES NOT require prior approval. J. Settle will enter all campus PD in Strive for each participant. These include: Lunch N Learns, After school sessions, SISD Book Studies.

3) The following steps must be completed in order to receive points.

  • Select a PD Option from the Menu.

  • Get PRIOR approval from your principal if needed. Approval my be granted through email.

  • Participate / Attend the PD session.

  • After completion, submit your PD in Strive. See directions below.

  • Points will be awarded after all steps are completed.

4) PLCs, faculty meetings, team/department meetings, mandated trainings such as STAAR Training do not count in this PD Plan.

5) Administrators may allow additional PD trainings outside of the menu of options. Please see your campus administrator if needed.

5) We encourage opportunities for your leadership growth! If you would like to lead a session or book study, please see your campus principal or Jennifer Settle.


Step 1


Choose a PD Option from the Menu above or use your campus calendar to view PD opportunities on the campus.

Step 2


IF NEEDED, get approval from your campus principal for the PD. See Tab at the top of this page.)

Step 3


Participate in your chosen PD.

Step 4


Use Eduphoria Strive to enter your PD participation and update with your PD Portfolio. See below for steps.

Submitting in Strive

Follow the steps on the left when entering your PD activity in Strive.

  • Step 7 - Choose carefully the CORRECT type of PD.

    • Comp Day- USED for SUMMER DAYS ONLY - each year the district requires teachers to work 5 days in the summer to replace 5 designated days in the calendar year.

    • Compliance - 1 credit given for completing the online compliance trainings from Region 10 in July & August. **Only a 1 should be placed in the Comp box when entering.

    • iLearn - this box is for the 12 hours required by the district for PD during the school year. You may begin acquiring iLearn hours in the summer AFTER the comp day hours are completed.

  • Step 9 - In Strive, you may only upload 3 documents per entry.

Steps for Entering PD in Eduphoria - Strive

Making Changes to your Entry

After you finish the wizard, you have the ability to go back to the request under My Portfolio to add notes, attach additional documents, select credit type and attach goals (if enabled in your district) before submitting the credit for review.

Menu of Options

The menu of options allowed me to choose PD that fit into my schedule. It was very helpful to choose from a variety that fit my teaching needs. There were plenty offered throughout the year on campus and convenient for me to attend. I am thankful for this flexible plan!

- From End of Year PD Teacher Survey

Created for YOU

I believe a professional development plan should account for several things: schedules, learning styles, subjects taught, applicability of sessions and teacher choice. I love that this menu gives us a lot to choose from with clear expectations and encouragement to share our own knowledge.

- Lisa Tunnell, SHS HST Teacher and CTE Department Chair