SHS Sophomores

(Class of 2026)

Promotion to 11th Grade: A student earned at least 10 units of credit, with two units in English and two units in mathematics.

What to expect as a sophomore in high school?

As a sophomore in high school, you can expect to have more responsibilities and a more difficult workload than you did in your freshman year. You will have to manage your time better to juggle classes, homework, extracurricular activities, and social life. You will have more freedom and opportunity to choose classes and clubs that interest you, and you will also have more pressure to make decisions about your future. You can expect to take more rigorous courses, such as advanced math and science, and to have more challenging assignments. You can also expect more independence from your parents as you navigate the high school experience. Overall, your sophomore year is a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world around you.

Things 10th graders in high school should know . ..

As a 10th grader in high school, there are many important things you should know.