Day 14 Theme: Reflection

Reflect on the different solutions we have explored so far for addressing the different levels of racism and White superiority/supremacy. Which ones jump out that you want to use or explore more? Are there others that come to mind or that you are already using? Please share! Consider having a conversation with someone else about your thoughts, feelings and discoveries around ways to undo racism and white supremacy.

Linked below is a resource list of racial reconciliation and healing tools, processes, and case studies from Racial Equity Tools.

Reflect & Respond:

Reflect on the different solutions we have explored so far for addressing the different levels of racism and White superiority/supremacy. Which ones jump out that you want to use or explore more? Are there others that come to mind or that you are already using?


Looking even more inward, we invite you to find some quiet time to get centered and to consider the past two weeks of your participation in the Challenge. What do you sense/feel and where are you physically? Intellectually? Emotionally? Spiritually? What are these sensations telling you? Consider checking in with someone else about where you each are in your Challenge journey and work for racial justice.