Day 1 Theme: Introduction: What is this and why are we doing it?

Fighting racism isn’t a discrete event, it’s an ongoing process—watch the 12-minute talk by Jay Smooth, who compares it to the daily practice of dental hygiene. Conventional wisdom says it takes about three weeks to form a new habit, so Dr. Eddie Moore, Dr. Marguerite Penick-Parks and Debby Irving developed the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge to help all of us cultivate self-awareness and intentionality to effect social change.

Whether you’re a new ally in the racial equity movement or a seasoned veteran, we invite you to join us for this exercise in self-reflection, learning and connection. Don’t feel pressured to complete every listed activity each day. We’ve presented a variety of options so you can engage based on your learning style and the time you have available. This isn’t a formal homework assignment; the point is simply to make a habit of doing something every day to broaden your perspective, identify topics for deeper learning on your own, and better equip yourself to combat White supremacy.

Question for reflection:

Where are you today in terms of your understanding of racial equity issues and what do you hope to get out of the challenge?