con la
Sra. Orgeira
Sra. Orgeira
Horas de ayuda: previa cita durante el segundo período de almuerzo. Aula 222
Extra help hours: by appointment during second lunch period. Room 222
Estimados estudiantes, padres y representantes,
¡Bienvenidos a mi página web! Aquí podrán encontrar información acerca del contenido de nuestro curso, calificaciones, expectativas y recursos para el aprendizaje de español.
Mi objetivo es que mis estudiantes adquieran la confianza de expresarse en español, y aprendan acerca de la rica y variada cultura de los países hispanohablantes.
Espero con gran entusiasmo que tengamos un año escolar emocionante en el que compartiré con ustedes mi amor por el idioma español.
Dear students, parents and guardians,
Welcome to my website! Here you can find information about the content of our course, grading, expectations, and resources for learning Spanish.
My goal is that my students gain the confidence to express themselves in Spanish, and learn about the diverse and rich culture of the Spanish speaking countries.
I am looking forward to an exciting school year in which I will share with you my love for the Spanish language .
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela