Summer assignment 2024-2025 for AP

Pour l'année prochaine vous devez réviser certains points de grammaire.  Il y aura une interro sur tous ces sujets au mois de septembre.  Bon courage!

In order to be ready for AP French language and culture, it is recommended to have a strong mastery of essential grammar concepts. The best way to improve your understanding and mastery of concepts, is to practice during the summer. There is no time to do so during the AP year since all of our class hours are dedicated to improving reading, listening, writing, and speaking following the College Board instructions and requirements.

The grammar concepts reviewed during the summer are just that : a review of topics covered during the school year in French 5 honors.  You will be able to find all the necessary documents in the folder on this page.

Travaillez bien et bonnes vacances!

La phrase passive au Qué
La voix passive exercices corrigés.pdf
La voix passive exercices de révision.pdf
Laccord des participes passés.pptx
Le Gérondif exercices..pdf
Les articles et les prépositions avec les noms de pays.pdf
Les phrases conditionnelles.pdf
PPt subjonctif 3.key
Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les pronoms relatifs.pdf