AP French Language and Culture


In this class we prepare for the AP French Language and Culture Exam.  All the themes we study are required by the College Board.  THIS CURRICULUM WAS UPDATED IN 2020 FOLLOWING THE COLLEGE BOARD NEW 2019 RECOMMENDATIONS AND GUIDELINES.  

Click on the link for the AP French Language and Culture Course and Exam Description: http://advancesinap.collegeboard.org/world-languages/french

 For all lesson plans and assignments students should look on Google Classroom

Unit 1: Families in different societies. Part 1:

Unit 1 (Part 1) explores themes related to families in French speaking communities that provide a meaningful context for students in which to acquire and develop a variety of language and cultural concepts. 

Essential questions:

Unit 1: Families in different societies.  Part 2:

Unit 1 (Part 2) explores themes related to families in France that have adopted a variety of languages and cultural concepts.  The Romani people in France, generally known in spoken French as «Roms» come from Romania and/or Bulgaria. Exact numbers of Romani people in France are unknown—estimates vary from 20,000 to 400,000. According to these estimates, at least 12,000 Romani live in unofficial urban camps throughout the country.  Les «Gitans» or «Gens du voyage», are a different ethnic group often confused with the Roms.  Originally from Northern Spain, most of them still speak Catalan and tend to live in camps or in government housing in southern France. The last group of migrating peoples in France are asylum seekers and refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and eastern Africa.  Most of them travel through France looking for a passage to Great Britain. While waiting in northern France migrants live in camps.

Essential Questions:

Unit 1: Families in different societies.  Part 1.  Students will:

Unit 1: Families in different societies.  Part 2.  Students will:

Unit 2: The influence of language and culture on identity.  

Essential Questions:

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Unit 3: How Science and Technology Affect our Lives

Essential Questions:

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Unit 4: Environmental, Political, and Societal Challenges

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Unit 5: Influences of Beauty and Art.

Essential Questions:

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