Curriculum Requirements


All students will pursue a focused program of study preparing them for postsecondary study. While all students may not enter postsecondary training immediately following high school, they must be prepared for lifelong learning.


TNReady is a part of the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) and is designed to assess true student understanding, not just basic memorization and test-taking skills. It is a way to assess what our students know and what we can do to help them succeed in the future. TNReady examinations are commonly referred to as end-of-couse (EOC) exams. End-of course examinations will be administered in English 9, English 10, English 11, Algebra 1B, Algebra 2B, Geometry, U.S. History, Chemistry, and Biology 1. The results of these examinations will be factored into the student’s grade at a percentage determined by the State Board of Education in accordance with T.C.A. §49-1-302 (2). The yearly grade for singleton courses with EOCs will be calculated by counting the teacher assigned grades for the course counting the end-of-course test grade, in accordance to T.C.A. §49-1-302 (2).


Current college entrance examinations include the ACT and SAT. The Tennessee Department of Education requires that all students take the ACT before or during the 11th grade year. These exams are administered several times per year. The results of this ACT will allow students, parents, and school personnel the opportunity to determine if students are making adequate academic progress toward graduation and either postsecondary education and/or employment.

Social Studies – 4 credits

  • World History, AP Human Geography, AP European History
  • Economics and Government (1 credit)
  • Personal Finance (1 credit)
  • United States History, AP United States History

Science – 3 credits

Minimum science requirement:

  • Biology 1, Pre-AP Biology 1, or Biology 2, Biology AP
  • Chemistry 1, Chemistry 2, Chemistry 1 Pre-AP, Chemistry AP, Chemistry 2 Honors, Pre-AP Physics, AP Physics 1, Conceptual Physics, General Physics
  • Physical Science
  • Any additional lab science course

English – 4 credits

Minimum English requirement:

  • English 9 or Pre-AP
  • English 10 or Pre-AP
  • English 11 , or AP
  • English 12 , AP, or Dual Enrollment English

World Language – 2 credits

The Language requirement includes the successful completion of two courses in the same World Language. Many colleges and universities recommend three credits in the same World Language for admission purposes.

Math – 4 credits

Students must accumulate a minimum of four (4) high school math credits regardless of their level of math mastery when entering high school. Students are required by state guidelines to enroll in a math course during all four years of high school.

For students starting in Algebra 1A:

• Algebra 1B, Geometry, Algebra 2B, and one of the following courses

• Statistics

• AP Statistics

• Dual Enrollment Statistics

• Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus

• Bridge Math

For students starting in Geometry:

• Geometry, Algebra 2B, and two of the following courses:

• Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus

• Statistics

• AP Calculus

• AP Statistics

• Dual Enrollment Statistics

For students starting in Algebra 2A (This option is strongly discouraged as students looking at this option would benefit from Honor’s Math)

• Algebra 2B and three of the following courses:

• Statistics

• AP Statistics

• Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus

• AP Calculus

• Dual Enrollment Statistics

For students starting in Honors Math Successful completion of each honor’s math course will allow students to progress to the next level of honors math.

• Honors Algebra 2

• Honors Trig/Pre-Cal

• Analytical Geometry and Calculus

Elective Focus Area – 3 credits

Students will complete an elective focus of no less than three credits. Students completing a CTE elective focus must complete three units in the same CTE program of study. The elective focus may be in one of the following six areas:

Career and Technical Education

• Veterinary and Animal Science

• Horticulture Science

• A/V Production

• Business Management

• Marketing and Finance

• Accounting

• Finance

• Diagnostic Services

• Therapeutic Clinical Services

• Culinary Arts

• Cosmetology

• Information Technology

• Law Enforcement Services

• Marketing Management

• Project Lead-The-Way Engineering

• Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair

• Automotive Collision Repair

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)

• Any Course(s) in Science and Math that is above the graduation requirement

• Anatomy and Physiology

• Medical Therapeutics

• Any Project Lead the Way Course

Humanities (Social Studies, Foreign Language, and English)

Any course in Social Studies, Foreign Language and English that is above the graduation requirement. It can be a combination of these courses.

Fine Arts

Any course in Fine Arts that is above the graduation requirement. Advanced Placement (AP) Any Advanced Placement (AP) courses


ROTC courses (This can count for your Focus area and Wellness credits)