what is being done to help

Thankfully, The Coral Reef Alliance is already working on fixing this international problem that is happening around the world. One thing that is already being done to help is this organization is cleaning and donating money to help the big and wonderful ocean. This is helpful because they are picking up trash that is killing a lot of animals that live in the ocean. They have been very successful in helping the ocean and they are not going to stop.(dipndive.com) How would you feel if you knew you were helping the ocean and saving so many lives of fish and humans.

There are many ways you can help the ocean be a cleaner and more healthy place. One way to help is to donate to the coral reef alliance because they clean and help the ocean and you can find them on this website, dipndive.com. You can help by shopping wisely so you can less junk that destroys the ocean. Another way you can help is by respecting the habitat you live near and keeping it clean according to oceanservice.noaa. If we all help the ocean, we can help the city and help the world. 

Kids can help in a few simple ways. One is whenever you see trash just simply pick it up. If you find stuff that can be recycled than put it in a recycling bin. You can also help by donating money to charities that help take care of the ocean. If everyone help’s our environment we can end climate change and our environment will be completely transformed.