The Ocean

Did you know that the ocean covers 71% of the earth? According to wikipedia “the great blue atlantic ocean is 139.5 million square miles’’. On the website it says that” Oceans are usually found near large bodies of land.” The climate in the oceans can be 72 F in the warmest month and 27 F in the coldest month according to There are a lot of underwater volcanoes and ginormous cliffs that go to the bottom of the ocean. My favorite fact is how the ocean are currently 228,450 known species in the ocean. 

In the dark and scary atlantic ocean there are predators that hunt for food and there are Apex predators that are at the top of the food chain that hunt down the animals that try to survive each day. The predators are “Killer whales, Great white shark, sea lions, and leopard seals''according to Then there are the animals that are getting eaten and being hunted down and those are prey animals, there Giant triton, Crown-of-thorns starfish, Hard coral Tiger shark and a lot more.