The dangers they face

What makes the ocean special is that the Ocean feeds us, regulates our climate, and generates most of the oxygen we breathe. Then why is the ocean threatened if it does all this good for the earth. People are the main cause because of oil drilling, pollution, and industry according to It makes me feel sad and many other people in the world that the oceans are getting destroyed when it’s trying to help us. If the ocean is destroyed then the human race would have less food and less oxygen. How would you feel if you are trying to fix or help something but are being destroyed.

One of the main reasons great whites sharks are being killed is that hunters hunt them for their fins and skin according to []. This is a big problem because great whites are apex predators and are at the top of the food chain. If there aren't enough great whites then there will be too many fish and seals. They will eat everything else and fish and seals will be everywhere.

Another problem is pollution. When people pollute and litter they are destroying shark's habitats according to [coral] Also When sharks eat the smaller fish if those fish have trash in their belly then sharks will get trash in their bellies too. This is a big problem because the trash might clog their bellies and stop digestion. This is a big problem because it could prove to be fatal.