Intro to the North Atlantic Right Whale

Did you know the North Atlantic Right Whale can weigh up to 140,000 lbs?

According to, "Researchers found out the North Atlantic Right Whale can weigh up to 140,000 lbs.” “The North Atlantic Right Whale is around 45-55 ft long.”( They have a broad back without a dorsal fin and a long arching mouth that begins above the eye. ( They eat crustaceans such as

crabs, shrimp, krill, etc. My favorite fact about the North Atlantic Right whale is that 

“Their scientific name means” good”, or “true whale of ice.”

Isn’t it amazing that the North Atlantic Right Whale can live up to 70 years? (

The North Atlantic Right Whale lives in the ocean and  it is named after the North Atlantic

Ocean. This animal lives in a group when it is young and then lives alone. (” The young live with their parents for about a year and then live alone.” Another interesting fact about this animal is that it is the most endangered whale species as of now.