Why And How Can We Help The Arctic Tundra?

                                                                                                               Why to help

“Did you know that the Tundra’s permafrost layer holds many greenhouse gasses that have been frozen in the ice for years.” (https://www.livescience.com)?

 The Tundra is being hurt and destroyed in many ways, like global warming that melts the snow caps and the permafrost but the main way it’s being destroyed is by human actions. Humans have been drilling holes and mining in the Tundra to get valuable resources. By doing this it is destroying the permafrost which releases all the greenhouse gasses that were frozen in it and releases it into the atmosphere, making the air more acidic. hurting the environment, and speeding up global warming (https://www.safewater.org/). Something called, “The Arctic Haze” has been polluting the air in the Tundra for years. The Arctic Haze is when Greenhouse gases from industrial companies travel to the Arctic Tundra to pollute the air causing global warming and other harmful effects on the environment (https://www.safewater.org/). Imagine a world where the sea levels were so high there were droughts all over the world, global warming was at an all-time high and there were greenhouse gasses all in the air polluting it, that's what would happen if the Tundra was gone.


                                   How to help

Luckily organizations like https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/arctic are helping to protect the Arctic. this organization, “also work to make certain that economic growth is sustainable and conserves the Arctic’s unique places and species. WWF continues to engage in efforts to prevent new oil and gas drilling in America’s Arctic and ensure that local communities have access to renewable energy options. Our work is also focused on fishing that is sustainable, certified, and returning the maximum benefit to local communities.” https://www.worldwildlife.org/places/arctic is doing many things to help the Arctic like preventing new oil and gas drilling from happening in the Arctic because it could destroy the permafrost and they make sure companies have access to clean and renewable energy sources and more. If you go to their website you could press a button that says, “Donate.” When you press the button you can show how much to give and whether you would do it once or monthly, you then put your information in then you are complete. I recommend you donate because if you had an organization that tried to protect the wildlife but then had to shut it down because no one would donate how would you feel? all these amazing organizations are helping the wild, so if they don’t get any donations they will not have enough money so they won’t be able to help the outdoors anymore.

Even if you are a kid, there are many ways you can help save the Arctic Tundra, like raising awareness or donating to organizations. Something good to do would be volunteering at your local wildlife reserve. Doing this is a great way for kids to learn the importance of keeping wildlife safe. and you can help do it by taking care of the animals. Another great way of helping the wilderness is picking up trash. Did you know that, “Every year, the world generates more than two billion tonnes of trash.” (https://www.unep.org)? On a weekend you can go pick up trash around your neighborhood or town. If we all do our part in helping the environment we can make our planet a better place!