How Can We Protect Them?

Thankfully, WWF is already trying to help. According to “We found that most pups starve to death during winter. So WWF began providing supplementary food at dens to help the pups survive. But we also decided to provide food all year round at some feeding stations to ensure that some Arctic fox pairs breed every year, even when lemmings are in short supply.” If you would like to make a donation to WWF hear are some steps you can follow

“1.Donate by Phone Call 1-800-CALL-WWF.

2.Donate by Mail Print and mail this form.

3.Wire Your Donation Email to obtain the wire transfer information needed by your bank.” ( Please, please, please help our community, don’t let these adorable creatures die!

There are lots of ways you as a 5th grader can help the arctic fox. For starters you can go down to your local shelter and donate money for animals in need, this could help the shelter afford the proper materials to protect these creatures. Another thing you and your family can do is volunteering at a shelter to help the animals that are already in care, this would not only help the animals it would help the shelter have more time to rescue other animals that are in need ( If we all join together we can accomplish so many things, so what do you say, will you help save the Arctic Fox?