A little Something About Giant Pandas

Who knew that these at first helpless pandas born blind, deaf, and hairless could be so interesting to learn about(medicalnewstoday.com)? Pandas grow to be around 4-5 ft. tall and about 300 pounds (kids. national geographics.com). These beautiful creatures have black fur all around their ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. On the website  nationalzoo.si.edu they state that,   pandas fully rely on bamboo as a food source and,  “...must eat around 26 to 84 pounds of it every day, depending on what part of the bamboo they are eating.” Although pandas may seem very cuddly from the outside, you better watch out for their uncommunicative and eccentric temperament which they get from being solitary animals.(chinahighlights.com)

Did you know that pandas actually have an attached thumb to their right wrist which acts as a 6th finger to grab bamboo?(Giant Pandas written by Nancy Furstinger). According to Nationalzoo.si.edu, “Giant pandas live in a few mountain ranges in south central China, in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.”“Although pandas have very few natural predators, they are at risk of being preyed on by jackals, leopards and yellow-throated martens, a type of weasel that feeds on panda cubs.” (joyofanimals.com)

Pandas are also solitary animals meaning they spend most of their time alone and enjoy their independence (bigboybamboo.com).The only time pandas spend time with other pandas is their first 18 months with their mother after they are born (wwf.panda.org).